Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Does Not Meet Company Standards

Being in Recruiting & Staffing, it is one of my jobs to run background checks on new hires that come into the company. For the most part, everyone passes with flying colors and we have no issues with backgrounds. We have determined that Sales Reps nationwide, being that they drive all day long, they like to speed! But then again, who doesn't!? If you're doing 55 in the fast lane, you do not deserve to have a license - just my opinion! On an everyday basis, I use the words specimen (sick), moving violation (slow down or watch out!) and the two most important: "Meets Company Standards" or "Does Not Meet Company Standards." These two important phrases determine whether or not you have passed your background in order to start with the company. Obviously, we all keep our fingers crossed that you come back as "Meets."

Last week, we encountered two very odd background checks. They are so odd, that all we can do is sit back and scratch our head and say "hmmm..." (with a little giggle following that hmmmm). On the online application, there is a question that each applicant is required to fill out. It is: Have you been convicted of a crime? This includes any pending charges. Pretty simple, right? In processing backgrounds for a major mass hiring, we came across two individuals who failed their backgrounds. Ugh. We hate failed backgrounds.

Candidate #1 - for the sake of privacy, we will call her Laura. Laura was offered a position and indicated that she had a valid drivers license and was fully able to drive her company provided company car. We get her signed offer letter, we run the background and BAM! Suspended license. We'll say she had a DUI and her license was taken away. We approach Laura and ask her how it is possible that she drove to the interview on her suspended license, and how does she plan to drive a company provided car if she doesn't have a valid license? Her response: "I don't have a suspended license!" Uhhhh... okay? How is this possible?

Recruiter: Your license is not suspended?

Laura: No! I don't know how that is possible. I have a few speeding tickets but I took the required classes and I don't know why it says it is suspended!?

Recruiter: Well, according to your background you have a suspended license. You may want to look into this if you feel it is inaccurate.

Laura: I mean, I have what is called a probationary license - but it is not suspended!

**What in the heck is a probationary license?!**

Recruiter: Can you please explain what a probationary license is?

Laura: It means that I have privledges to drive my child to school and myself to work.

**HOLD ON! There is a big difference between driving TO work, and driving FOR work as a Sales Rep!**

Recruiter: Laura, can you drive to the grocery store - right now?

Final words:

Laura: No, I cannot. I would need someone to take me.

Oh, Laura! What is wrong with you!? We are trusting you to have a company car when you cannot even drive yourself to the grocery store!? Yet - you are confused as to why we cannot consider you for this new position that requires your constant travelling? Byebye Laura, it has been fun but good luck in your job search!

Candidate #2 - again, for privacy sake, we are going to refer to our candidate as Milton. Milton's criminal background came back for ohhh let's say - Arson. (I've never had a candidate with an arson charge, so I thought it would be fun to say Milton burned down the ever so famous Delaware Hotel here in OH-IO. ha!) In reviewing Milton's information, we see that he has a pending charge for the burning down of the hotel. Looking at his application - he has never been convicted of a crime, and he has never had pending charges. Bad, Milton.

Day 1:
Recruiter: Milton, we had something pop up in your background check that we will not be able to move forward with hiring you for this position.

Milton: Really!? What could it be! Is it my education verification!? I promise I graduated!

Recruiter: No, Milton. It's not your education.

**Note: We are technically required not to tell the candidate what these charges are. So it is like a fun guessing game!

Milton: Well I have no idea what it could be! I look forward to starting on Monday!

Recruiter: No Milton, you will not be starting on Monday nor flying to Chicago for training. You do not meet company standards.

**Milton is confused. He sleeps it off, and calls us the next day.

Day 2:
Milton: I have a confession to make. I was a victim of idenity theft and you are probably looking at my credit report wondering what happened. I can assure you that I was a victim of identity theft and I thought this was all taken care of.

Recruiter: No, Milton. It is not your credit report. That is fine.


Day 3: Milton is now CONVINCED he knows why we are not hiring him!
Milton: I ran into some trouble in 2002, and you are probably seeing that on my background check.

Recruiter: No, Milton. It is not what happened in 2002, that is not the problem. It is something more recent.

Milton: Something more recent?! What could that be?!

Milton's Wife (yes, Mrs. Milton is now on the phone with us): Milton has not been in any trouble! Why can't he start work on Monday in Chicago!?


**Is Milton hiding something from his wife?! We could be the cause of divorce soon if she doesn't know that he tried to burn down the Delaware Hotel and has charges against him!

Day 4: (Seriously, day 4! It's not done yet!)
Recruiter: Milton, you are not starting on Monday. Thank you for calling and checking in, but no changes have been made. Have you figured out why we have come to this decision yet?

Milton: I have to go to court today at 1:30 to hopefully get dismissed my charge against me for trying to burn down the Delaware Hotel. Maybe that is what could be standing in my way?

Okay, Milton - are you FREAKING serious!? You didn't remember for the past 4 days that you actually have a court date approaching!? Holy cow.

Recruiter: YES! That is exactly what it is! (Thank god that game is over!) You cannot start with us still - but that is why you are not able to start. If you are able to get that dismissed in court, we might be able to consider you - but until this is dismissed you cannot start.

Milton too made the mistake of saying "no" to the question of having pending charges or ever been convicted of a crime. I am beginning to think that my new hires within recent months have brain damage. How does one forget she cannot go to the store without taking a cab? How does one forget that he has to go to court for burning down a hotel 2 months ago?

Ohhhh my new hires. They certainly make my day lively!

1 comment:

  1. That's too funny! Was the burning down the hotel a fake charge for sake of privacy?
