Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Speaker Phone, The Sneezer & The Potty Cover

Don't lie - you saw the title of my blog you were curious to know what this was going to be about! These are the three main characteristics of my day at work. Walking through the main doors of my company, you will find me tucked away in the midst of the cubicle wilderness on the first floor. On the first floor you will find all of my Staffing co-workers, though we are divided into 2 different areas. Half of us are on one side, half of us are on the other side. I will say that those on the other side of 1st floor are LUCKY! I might be willing to pay someone to switch me spots - all for them to experience the chaos in my area on a daily basis. Let's face it, I may have my own "space" but we all know that a 3 walled-fabric area isn't the most effective sound barrier.

Across the aisle from me, is a girl. Now, I am openly admitting - I'm loud. Yes, I, Rebecca C. Warren am a loud person. I am my father's daughter and there is really only so much I can do about that. However, I have met my match. This girl blows me and my loudness out of the water! Hard to believe, I know! I personally had no idea this would ever happen (though I am glad that it did!). This girl sits 2 cubes away from her boss, that's right - 2 cubes. Everytime she has a question, he feels the need to use her speaker phone and he in return feels the need to answer his phone on speaker. Have I mentioned that they sit 2 cubes down? Normal talking would be far more effective than the constant echo of speaker phones! This girl literally has about 10-15 questions a day that she needs to "call" her boss about. Yes, I hear her and his stereo'd speakerphone convos between 10 - 15 times day. I wonder what would happen if one day their phones disappeared, I have a feeling that she would go through a severe withdraw!

On the other side of the wall from "Loud Girl," is "Sneezing Girl." Sneezing Girl sneezes literally ALL day! From the minute she walks in, to the minute she leaves - she sneezes. I can only hope that they were small little sneezes, but no. She makes Neil Warren's sneezes look quiet! She is the most messy, loud sneezer in the world! One day, I was up to 50 sneezes on my tally post-it note when I finally just gave up. I have often considered contacting one of my Infection Prevention Sales Reps to ask for a sample of their hospital protection gear. I am not sure if I want it for myself; or to make her cube a smaller melting pot of germs. It's gross... really. I am a person who suffers from Spring/Animal allergies, and I have never in my life sneezed every single day as much as this girl. Two items: Lysol Wipes & Tissues.

Today, after pumping through a million offer letters and starting a thousand background checks - I really had to go to the bathroom. I walked into the Ladies Room, and into a stall where I find that someone had put down a potty liner, walked out, and failed to notice that it was not sucked down the toilet when flushed. SICK! Where is it in my job description to flush down your potty liner!? We are all grown adults, and I'd have to expect that someone would ensure that everything was disposed of properly before exiting the stall. Call me crazy, but I NEVER leave until all is well. I am bringing this up only as a friendly tip: please be kind and remember that neither I or your co-workers want to pick up after you ESPECIALLY in the bathroom and especially in my bathroom on my side of the building!

The cubicle life is a crazy one - and there is so much that goes on during the day! Whether it is the person who sneezes all day, the person who decides to never pick up the phone and use speakerphone for every call, or even the person who eats the same smelly thing for breakfast that makes all of our stomachs turn... ohhh it's fun! I highly recommend it to anyone ...

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