Saturday, February 19, 2011

Wishful Thinking...

The other day at work, I was involved in a team activity where they handed out M & Ms. With every M & M, there was a different "task" behind it. Things such as: Tell a story involving your career with Cardinal Health. Where would your dream vacation be and why? Tell a funny story involving yourself. What is something you are proud of? If you were to win the lottery, what would you do? Everyone picked one color of their M & Ms, and we went around the table in picking our one color and telling our one tidbit. I chose to tell the way I came to join CAH, and an early story about my first week there. Others answered with dream vacations, proud moments, etc. I learned so much about my co-workers who joined me that day, and it got me thinking - how would I answer these questions if given the opportunity to answer them all?

  • Where would Becca's Dream Vacation be? It would be in Europe. It would be visiting the countries of Austria, Switzerland, Italy, France, United Kingdom, Scotland, Ireland and Sweden. Don't get me wrong, I love beaches. I love sunny and warm days. But, there is so much history and fascination with these countries and the history dork that I am, it would be my dream vacation.
  • A funny story about Becca: When I was growing up in a small town nearby Seattle, my career ambitions were to work at Pizza Hut as a Cashier. That's correct my friends, cashier at our local Pizza Hut. I wanted to push the buttons, that to me looked like the most fabulous job in the world! I'm happy to say that at the age of 30, my career goals outreach a Pizza Hut cashier by a long shot!
  • What is a proud moment in Becca's life? Such an easy question. Most people may think that this is complex, but for me it takes no thinking on my part at all to think of how I would answer this question. Hands down, my proudest moment would be graduating from Ohio State with a degree in Humanities. In elementary school, I was a good student up until 6th grade... it went all down hill from there! A part of me blames just the middle school years in general, but from 6th grade on through college - were some of the toughest years of my life. My parents always knew that I would graduate, and they pushed me every step of the way. Many nights I would spend crying wondering how I was going to get through a class, but with my parents support - I made it. It took me longer than the typical 4 years, but it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter how old you are. It doesn't matter what your GPA was on your last quarter. All that matters is that I graduated and I have my parents to thank!
  • If I were to win the lottery, what would I do? Asking me about a month ago, my answer would be very different. However, over the past month I have come to realization that I know exactly what I would do with lottery winnings. First off, I would yes - quit my job. I may give my employer a notice, depending on the winnings! Then again, I may not. We'll see what kind of mood I am. :) I would have a life where I was free to do anything I want. I would obviously spend a lot of time shopping for anything that I wanted. Let's be honest, shoes and purses are very important! But, to pass the time I would need something more to do than just shop. My ideal dream "job" would be to volunteer/work at local hospitals and do nothing but hold newborn babies all day long. I could literally sit and hold a newborn all day long, and that would be the perfect environment for me! With my earnings, I would donate to Breast Cancer Research. About 3 weeks ago, I learned that one of my best friends has breast cancer. Since learning of her diagnosis, I have been researching, signing up for various cancer fundraisers and most importantly, helping her in anyway I can to help with her journey. She is one of the strongest and most determined people I know, and I admire her in so many ways. At no point did she ever sit there and say "why me?" Instead, she turned that attitude on and said from moment one that she would beat this thing however she had to. Whether it be chemo, radiation and surgery - she will do every one of those things. That said, my lotto earnings would go towards something in honor of Mindy Bell and towards breast cancer research.
I think that the important things to take from this blog is the following:

I love traveling and history.

I love Pizza Hut (still!)

I love my parents for being a major support system through my educational path.

I love babies.

Most importantly: I love Mindy Bell!

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