Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Zip! Zap! Gone!

I absolutely love the girl that does my eye brows, she is the nicest girl in the world. Even when it looks like I have caterpillars over my eyes, she just laughs it off and says: "Yep! It's been awhile, huh?" She has been ripping out my hair for quite a few years - we've grown a bond. She also is aware that when I schedule an appt at 5:30 after work, I'm always going to be running in the doors 4 minutes late. She claims she doesn't mind, but if I were her - I would be annoyed and would rip out those fine hairs that hurt like a mother a little harder! She's gentle though.

Yesterday, I first would like to point out I was smart and scheduled my appt for 6:30 rather than 5:30. This way, I am not running in the front doors like a freak from work and apologizing like it is my J O B! She was proud that I had not waited to until I had insects crawling across my face and complimented me on that. Followed by that very nice compliment was: "Oh... my... god! What happened to your face?!" She spotted it. The enemy. The massive pimple that had emerged from the depths of hell during the night before. My reply: "I know! It was there when I woke up this morning! Am I going through puberty again or what?!"

After my brows were beautifully shaped, she announces that she is going to shock my my blemish. Uh, as it electric shock therapy? NO THANK YOU! The inner child I am, I ask if it is going to hurt. What is more important? Shocking this mountain of evil on my face or dealing with a little shock to rid of it. Hmmm... "No Becca, it is not going to hurt. You'll feel it, but you'll be okay." (You know in her head she is thinking "you just had surgery - stop being a wienie.") I brace myself for the shock, which ends up actually only feel like a slight tickle on my cheek. Not at all what I was expecting! She tells me that the blemish should be gone by morning. I am in honest amazement and cannot wait to wake up tomorrow to see if it is gone! I wake up this morning, and to my surprise what was once an additional growth on my face has turned nicely into just a small bump easily covered by foundation.

A note to my eyebrow girl: Thank you for taking a chance and giving me that little added bonus yesterday. I do fully believe that you were nice to me and took away my new appendage because I was on time and didn't keep you waiting! You can bet that I will be on time everytime from now on out!

1 comment:

  1. hahaha, i love that you called it a "mountain of evil"...i'm cracking up over here.
