My first topic involves one of my most favorite topics at the moment, The Royal Family and the wedding of William of Wales and Kate Middleton. I've loved the Royal Family from as long as I could remember. I was a young girl, and I would watch my Mom buy her Majesty magazine and read the current events of the Royal Monarch. I'd sit on the floor by the bookshelf and thumb through her various books looking at the pictures of a young William and Harry. I looked at those books fascinated by the pictures of Charles and Diana's wedding. Then again, emotional watching on tv the news of passing of the Princess Diana, followed by the funeral.
When the news broke out of the engagement of William and Kate, that sparked my lost interest up again and got me to the book store as quick as I could possibly get there! Now, let me start off by saying - I am NOT a reader. At all. I watch tv. I watch reality tv. I do not read. I used to be a reader, but that was when Land Before Time puppets were big at Pizza Hut, followed by the Book It star stickers for the button! I first bought a book on William and Harry, and their childhood growing up. William and Harry, Behind the Palace Walls. I read this on our trip to Blowing Rock, North Carolina over Thanksgiving. Very easy read, and a good peek into the lives of these two famous Princes. If I took anything from the book, it was that they were badddd!! Harry, Harry, Harry... what in the world were you thinking?! However, at the end of the book - you love them, even more. They are two very likeable boys, and you just cannot help but want to hug them both!

Then, in the midst of my searches -I found another book was on the verge of being released! All about William and Kate and their love story! Now, if you'll look at my DVR list currently - you'd wonder why I would even need a book because I have everything I need on tv! But, I wasn't over my obsession and I needed more books.
I hopped onto Barnes & Noble online and held a book for Kate and I the minute it was released. We would pick this book up the night before we left for Seattle for some Royal reading.

I'm 60ish pages into this book and let me tell you, it is one of those books that leaves you angered. It is a biased book, it is a Royal Blood Bath, it is not at all a read for someone who loves the Royal Family. Now, I'm not sitting here saying that the Royal Family is perfect because no family is perfect. Yes, Charles did some bad things. Yes, Diana had quite a few imperfections that no one truly talks about. But, I still cannot help but love them. This book for a Windsor Family Fan is NOT good! I'm going to continue to read it because, well I bought it and cannot find the receipt to take it back. However, I am also continuing to read it to listen to how much Christopher Andersen truly doesn't know what he is talking about. His quotes, they quote no one. He doesn't list sources but leaves the person as a general quote. "xxx" said a friend of a friend with NO NAME. Uh huh... riiiight! I want proof that this stuff actually happened!
Whew. That said: I think I am going to make my New Years Resolution to be read more. Turn off my tv (it will be the hardest thing I've ever done...) and read the new books I bought in Seattle with my Barnes and Noble gift card and not let them collect dust. I vow that this book of bull honkey, and the two other novels I bought will be read by the end of February. It will be my greatest challenge, but I will do it!
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