*A year ago I decided that I was so over washing wash cloths every time I washed my face clear of make-up in the evening. Not only was it annoying to always wash them, but I had a horrible habit of forgetting about them and then they would get smelly and then would get thrown away.
*A year ago I decided that the "toss away" make-up removers were too expensive. Honestly, $6 for 24 wipes... I love spending money, don't get me wrong! However, that is an expense that isn't fun and I could be putting towards something more important... like shoes!
I put my mind to use and tried to brainstorm ways where I would make better use of my laundry and my money to keep my face squeaky clean.
One evening, I was at Walgreens with my parents and told my Mom about my dilemma. With a very serious tone and with no thinking at all, she says: "What about baby wipes?"
Is this lady serious? I thought about it, and really thought it was weird and told her I would think about it. However, the more walking around Walgreens we did, the more sense it made. I walked over to the Baby Aisle and scoped out the baby wipe selection trying to determine if this was something I truly was going to try. I didn't want to SMELL like a baby, so there goes the scented kinds. I also didn't want to risk breaking out in any type of rash with my sensitive skin.

Huggie's Natural Care, Hypo-Allergenic, Fragrance Free Wipes... my answer to everything!
Of course, I walked up to the register with a box of wipes, and my Dad looked at me like I was off my rocker. Why in the world would I need wipes? It's a year later, and he still doesn't understand - but that's a Dad for ya!
Let me point a few things out, and why I am so incredibly grateful that I still listen to my Mom!
*I can buy a package of 216 wipes for a mere $7. Compared to my once purchased 24 for $6.
*I clean my face, I throw it away! Heck, at the price that I paid, I can actually afford to use two wipes if my eye liner is truly not coming off my eyes.
*My face never breaks out from them, but are always fresh and so clean!
*For those mornings that I might get a little too crazy with spitting out the toothpaste all over the sink, ya pull out a wipe, wipe it down and bam! Clean sink again! Did I mention it's also wonderful for any type of counter cleaning in the bathroom as well?
*Lastly, when I go on a trip - oh how those handy little wipe containers travel just perfectly! Perfect size to pack into my suitcase, and holds just as many wipes as I would need to travel with!
It's funny, I was reading an article on People.com a few months back and my being a very big fan of any of the Real Housewives shows on Bravo, an article from Bethenny Frankel caught my eye. It was all about motherhood (something let's face it, I know nothing about!), and baby wipes. She was talking about the wonders of a baby wipe and how she cleans everything with them! I'm not alone and I'm not the only one who finds the baby wipe to be an amazing find!
Hmm...good idea! I would have never thought about that!