Most of you know me well enough by now to know that every trip I go on, I go to Seattle. No other reason than I love going to Seattle. I love going to see my family. I love going to see my friends. I love the mountains. I love going to hug Baby Cohen. Heck, I even don't mind the rain! So, my next announcement will absolutely floor my audience to learn that I am heading out of Ohio in March, and I'm heading to the great state of
Florida! I'm not kidding, pick your jaw up off the floor!
What turned into something that was just a joke, turned into something that became reality. A dear friend who I worked with during my eHRO/HP days in Recruiting for Cardinal is getting married and this great little trip is going to turn into a small mini-reunion of people from our team getting together wishing Mandi & Brian happiness in their marriage.
There are a few things that are going to make this trip amazing. Below you will find the recipe for a fantastic trip to Clearwater Beach, Florida:
First, you need one of these: a plane ticket. My dear friend responsible for purchasing our tickets must have been really excited to go! She sent me the itinerary and thank goodness my eye caught the word "February." She had us going a month earlier! Oops! With the switch, we had a minor increase in price but nothing her or I couldn't handle. Whew. We're still on our way... just with a layover. We'll live and just have to make due with people watching and making fun of people in the Nashville airport.

Secondly, you need a hotel. Thank you to the Bride & Groom's website - we will be staying in one of their blocked rooms as the Residence Inn - Clearwater Beach. Isn't she pretty!? This can't be a Warren Family vacation, because this is way too fancy for the Warren's!

Third: a planned lunch with a connection through Cardinal. Frenchy's on Clearwater Beach. We'll be there for lunch, we'll be on the beach eating lunch, and we'll be enjoying the sound of the ocean while we eat our lunch! The only thing I hear while eating lunch on a daily basis right now is the wonderful lady who sits next to me at work who blows her nose continuously throughout the day. (Appetizing... let me tell ya!)

Fourth: The Wedding location - very important when attending a wedding. Though we will not be present at the ceremony, I have NO problem with attending the reception at the Marriott on the beach. How amazingly wonderfully is this going to be?! As long as I don't have to carry anyone in off the beach from drinking too much, I am certain that Mandi & Brian's wedding will be nothing less than beautiful.

Fifth: The views. I cannot tell you the last time I've been to the beach! For a person who loves travel, who loves photography, who hates the cold & snow - this is going to be the
perfect trip for me!

Lastly: you need the perfect partner in crime. In this case - it is going to be my dear friend, Mindy. Together, her and I tend to get the most random and strange ideas. It all started with our connection for the love of Bob Barker. A few years back, we were bound and determined to get to Burbank and see Bob up close and person on the Price is Right. Just under the gun - we made it to the audience Bob's last week! We had our matching t-shirts, we had our spot in line at 3am, and we were pumped! So, the fact that we are going to Florida for our mini- reunion to see Mandi, to see Aaron, and to see Susan is going to be a BLAST!
Watch out Clearwater Beach, here comes Double Trouble!!
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