Friday, February 12, 2010

My Promise...

I've been thinking a lot lately about all of the relationships that I currently have. By relationships, I am talking about with my family, with my friends, with my co-workers, or even with the random stranger who I pass walking down the street. Obviously, through the years - people come and go out of your life and that is just the way life is. We're all adults here, we can take it that people just drift apart due to different life situations or opinions.

However, the people that I have in my life are very important to me. It doesn't matter if they are local or if they are far away, everyone person still means the same to me. It is the distance relationships that make "the heart grow fonder" in my opinion. Though I do not get to see those distance friends/family as often, it just makes me miss them and wish that I could see them that much more! With those people who are currently in my life, I want in my life forever. Though, we can all agree that tomorrow we could meet someone new of equal importance - and we want to hang onto them as we do our current friends/family/etc. I welcome anyone who wants to be apart of my world.

To my existing relationships: I want to make a promise to make a few promises to you.

*I promise to you that no matter what happens in life, I will always remain the same person that I am today. I under no circumstances will EVER fall back on my feelings, thoughts and actions. If I say I am going to do something, I will always follow through. If I think that something is negative and do not want to be a part of it - I won't be. You all know me well enough to know that I hold true to my word.

*I promise never to do anything to purposely hurt you or your feelings. If I know that something is going to be hurtful to you personally, I will make this promise that I will always remember your feelings prior to anything I may do or say.

*I promise to always help you - whether it is something silly like pushing your car into a parking spot in the snow when its -10 degrees, or it is something major like losing a family member/friend and needing support. I am yours 100% and nothing could ever stop me from being there for you.

*I promise to always be considerate when you ask me for my opinion. Lots of family/friends come to me for advice, and I never turn anyone away. I will think about your feelings prior to answering, though I will always be honest. It's one of those lifes lessons that we are all taught: "To think before you speak..." I'll always think. In return, I ask that you understand that if you ask me for my opinion and you do not like my honesty (though it is always with good intentions), you should be open to atleast listening.

***If you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder. If you want a hug, I'll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, I'll be your smile. But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me. ~Author Unknown