Welcome to 328 6th Street

The "328" has been apart of my family since the early 1940's. It was the home of my great grandparents, Henry & Iona Rohlman. This is the place my grandpa was raised until he went into the military and married my Grandma. This is the place that I spent many years of my childhood visiting and having family get togethers. This is the place that my great aunt moved into when my great Grandma died. This is the place that hold very positive childhood memories for me. Lastly, this is the place that the entire Rohlman family all stay at when we roll into town and we call it home for our time back in Seattle.
328 is only two blocks away form the Western Washington Fair. It is also two blocks away from the every Saturday Farmer's Market. Three blocks away you find the Pioneer Bakery with donuts the size of your head; and the interior has not changed since when I first entered the doors in the early 1980s. Four blocks away, the trains constantly go throughout the day. "Honk, honk!" This is the only place that I can tolerate listening to trains and not get irritated when they keep me awake. It instead makes me smile knowing that I am back at old 328.
Walking in the door, I look at the dark wooden stairs going upstairs and picture my cousin Jaclyn and I on our hands and knees pretending to be Annie and singing "Hard Knock Life." I walk into the kitchen, and see the pantry with that accordion door. The place that where Jaclyn and I would shut the door, sit on the stool and pretend it was our rocket ship.
Out the backdoor behind the garage:

Within this house, you will also find a little bit of mystery to it... if you are younger than the age of 10.
The bedroom upstairs with two very old twin beds. It is dark, it always has been dark, and is pretty scary. It is not until I was nearly 25 years old that I finally realized that the room isn't scary, it isn't haunted rather is just lacking in sunlight! I bust open the blinds and curtains, and the room is already full of life.
In the bathroom, there is a door. A mystery door. This door was ALWAYS shut growing up. Sitting down on the toilet as a kid looking at that closed door is TERRIFYING! I thought for sure that there were ghosts, monsters, goblins hiding behind that door. Booga, booga! Finally, in my 20's, the door finally was left open for the first time in my entire life and I can see that there is nothing exciting in there other than luggage. How boring! The suspense was totally shattered.

Great Grandma Rohlman's room has absolutely had a few "things" happen since she passed in 1994. Since then, her room randomly has lights turn on and off and there is always the feeling that she is with us. This was her house that has always been filled with so much love. Though she is not with us anymore in person, every time you enter the house you feel her spirit and know that she wants us there visiting and will do anything for us to have a fantastic time. It is hard to imagine not visiting 328 when traveling to Seattle, and I cannot wait for us to have more family vacations there down the road. I can only hope that since I had so many childhood memories in that house, I can take my own future children there to experience all of those happy memories that I had. Whether it is playing Annie on the stairs, eating grapes in the sunshine or wondering what was behind that crazy door... I will treasure every single minute in that house!
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