All through my educational path, I've never been the one to be able to pull off a decent grade in any math class. I hated math, despised math, and quite frankly wouldn't have been sad if all the math books disappeared and I never had to pick up a calculator and pencil again. English, I can enjoy. History, I love. Math = a deep dark depression!
I'll be honest, I mean we are all friends here... right? Elementary school, for the life of me I could never remember 7 x 7. My Dad still makes fun of me to this day that I can remember every single word to any song that comes on the radio, but math - I block out as much as I can. Taking the "dumb" math at Ohio State, was a struggle. I am not sure it was a struggle because I opted to do about 25% of my homework assignments and never studied for tests, or was it a struggle because I really don't like numbers and I really couldn't do it. One fall day, I convinced my Mom that maybe I had a learning disability and maybe I should get tested. She figured it was a good move considering my lacking in math was nothing new and maybe there could be a reason for my mediocre work (other than my inability to do my homework!). Entering Pomerene Hall, I was fully prepared for the news that I suck but on the bright side would receive special tests and for the choice of 1st pick of classes. I take all the tests, a wait the results, am pulled into the little special room (let's face it, no good news come out of sitting in those sheltered rooms), and BAM! "Rebecca, your tests came back absolutely normal. You do not have a learning disability. By the way, your hand writing is absolutely beautiful." OH COME ON! So, we're looking at the fact that my grades were coming from my lack of studying and doing homework. Eh, why change anything now?
Fast forward: September 24th, 2009.
Until about 2 months ago, I've done everything in my power to avoid math in my everyday life. I did a little bit of math in figuring out Paid Time Off for new hires that come in, or using a calculator to figure out a bi-weekly rate of a salary - but that is all. That's all simple math. Lately, I have had to do a lot more thinking in the math department in figuring out Sales Compensation plans for our Sales Reps. I have felt pretty smart, and it feels pretty good that I can help someone else through those tricky percentages.
This past Thursday, our VP of Sales Ops came into Dublin and gave us a Comp training - complete with a pop quiz. Lord help me. I had a nightmare of numbers all over again, and broke out into a small sweat. I hold a high regard for this VP, and I do not want her to think that I am learning challenged (even though those people at Ohio State claim I am normal, I still doubt them!). I do my math, and I hope for the best... going over the answers, I learned that I did every single one of them correctly! What in the world has happened to me?! All of a sudden my brain is processing numbers - and not only numbers but WORD PROBLEMS!! Whhhhhattt!??!! I mean, are you kidding me? I, Rebecca C. Warren, ACED a math POP QUIZ! I was so happy, I literally could have cried. I called my Mom and told her on the way home from work, and I am pretty sure that she shed a tear of happiness as well!
I've learned from this experience that I am not as dumb as I think! Doing those math problems and doing them correctly, I have realized that I can do almost anything I put my mind to! It is true, as we mature and grow in life, we realize that is important. Homework and studying was not important to me for about ohhhh 24 years of my life. Now, I realize that I am smarter than what I appear and if I put my mind to it - I can do anything.
I'd like to end this note with: 7 x 7 = 49.
1. congratulations.
ReplyDelete2. i like how the math exam proctor at osu complimented your handwriting. hahaha.
You are not dubm.