Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Beginning of Something New...

I've had this blog topic in my head for well over a month now, and I think it is just about that time that I sit down and waste some time at my parents house. (Cough, Cough - hide in their office, so I do not have to sand, scrape, or paint the garage anymore. Shhh!) Now is as good as time as any to enlighten you with what's happening in the ever exciting world of Becca. (Can you sense my sarcasm in that last sentence??) :)

About two months ago, my dear friend moved back to Columbus from the Cleveland area - which completely made my year! She's a happy girl to be "home," and I am a happy girl to have her "home!" With her moving back provided us with much more opportunity to run around Columbus and cause the trouble that we've caused from knowing each other over the past 14 years. While chatting one evening about what our plans were for the evening ahead, I realized that our plans have turned into something that is almost routine. Go to dinner, go shopping, go the movies, etc. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love doing all of the things above but I felt that maybe it was time to branch out and expand our horizons. Columbus has SO much to offer, and it's about darn time we explored those new things!

In an effort to expand our horizons and not end up at the same place every week, together we came up with a plan. An idea. A way to get get all of our extended group of friends together for some fun! With this thought was the birth of what we now refer to as the "Friday Night Supper Club."

The Friday Night Supper Club has officially launched off, and is in full swing!

What is the Friday Night Supper Club you ask?

Definition: In doing research, there are far more restaurants in Central Ohio than any of us ever could imagine. Every Friday evening, a group of friends join around the table of a restaurant on the schedule. It could be fancy. It could be casual. It could be spicy. It could be mild. It could be Mexican. It could be Italian. The choices are endless!

There is a schedule floating around the email of the core members of the club with where we will be enjoying dinner each Friday (unless other things have come up which prevent from occurring. Things like Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Years, etc.). Each Friday, a group of girls join at the table of the restaurant of the week to expand their horizons. Sometimes there are only two people, sometimes there is a group of expanded and new friends, it just depends. We certainly have an open door policy to our club and anyone is welcome!

New places that we've experienced so far are:
  • Cap City Diner: Shout out to the ever famous Alfredo Potato Chips and Meatloaf. They certainly lived up to their name!
  • Figlio: Bread & oil, good. Wine, good. Dessert, good. Company, fantastic!
That's just the beginning, and we're certainly looking forward to all of the fun places coming up and all the laughs throughout the evening. If anyone who reads my blog wants to join in the festivities on a Friday night, give me a shout and I'll forward you the schedule on where we will be in 2010.

In the meantime: thank you for the fun - Courtney, Kate, Mindy, Beth & Rochelle. We cannot wait for the next time, when we wine at dine at the Columbus Fish Market at the Crosswoods!


  1. With all the different themes of restaurants, you guys should pick a theme for the night for apparel. Like, for a spanish cuisine, everyone has to flaunt a gold piece of jewelry. (Then you all get to compare and have a fun thing to discuss.) Or at a more casual place, everyone has to show up wearing a scarf. At a nicer evening out, everyone has to show up wearing a new shade of eyeshadow that they've never tried before. Fun stuff like that. Ugh! If only I lived near you! I'd totally be in! Sounds like so much fun!!

  2. HOW FUN!!!!!!!! GREAT IDEA!!!!!!!!!!
