The problem likely started back after my high school graduation when I started working full-time and earning my own money (while living at home with no bills). The first addiction truly was tennis shoes - typically, Nikes. I can't even explain to you how many pairs of Nikes I bought back in the day. I worked at a preschool, so I didn't need to dress up or wear fancy shoes. It was all about the tenny runners. Honestly, I wasn't quite into the girlie things just yet after graduation. I thought I was still cool wearing my Nike/Adias T-shirts. Hey, it was the end of the 90s, so it was allowed! Right?!
Today, we're in 2010 and I'm still addicted to buying shoes. This time around, I've moved more towards the flip flops, flats and dress shoes over the tennis shoes. Since I don't wear the Nikes nearly as much anymore - the ones that I already own are perfect for the gym and any other reason that I would need to wear them.
A few months ago, I was at DSW (for all of my non-Columbus based readers - this is Discount Show Warehouse. The Mecca for all women in the Central Ohio area). The minute you walk through the doors, the scent of new shoes fills the air and let's be honest - gets your heart racing and ready to find the shoe of your dreams! I had no business being at DSW and I didn't need anything. However, while browsing through the clearance rack - I found a really cute, summery pair of Nikes. Since I haven't bought any tennis shoes in actually a few years, I thought I would try them on just for giggles. They weren't bulky. They weren't sturdy enough for the gym. However, they did look cute on my feet and that's what matters, right??

I love these shoes. They look fantastic with capris of almost any kind. I receive compliments on them virtually everyday I have worn them this summer. Makes me realize it was a great purchase and one not to feel guilty about in anyway. Who am I kidding? I never feel guilty about buying new shoes. I live for it.
A few weeks later, my Mom and I decided to go to one of our neighborhood malls and walk around on a weekend. We weren't truly there for a reason other than killing time and maybe to find something that we needed. I use the word needed loosely, we really wanted things.
On the clearance rack, I found an adorable pair of Marc Fisher flip flops. My sister owned a pair of Marc Fisher heels, and I knew how much she loved them. I decided to try on these adorable gingham flip flops and just see if they looked good on me as good as they did sitting on the rack. Did I need a new pair of flip flops? Nope.
I put them on...
I fell in love...

They were 50% off. I would be NUTS not to buy them and let someone else walk away with this deal! As luck would have it, my Mom felt that they were me too and offered to buy them for me. BONUS! I certainly wasn't expecting that - but am fully willing to let her buy me these beautiful shoes (...and anything else she wants to buy me!). I have lived in these flip flops since I bought them and they are truly one of my favorite pairs of shoes. However, I will warn you that if you ever purchase a pair - they are noisey! They like to FLIP and FLOP REALLY loud!
Yesterday, my sister and cousin went to a different mall. Jaclyn wanted a new pair of flip flops to take back with her to Washington when she went home this weekend. We go to Macy's, and head to the shoe department. I'll bet you can't guess what I did...
Yep, tried some shoes on!
(Thank god payday was on Friday!)
I happened to run across some more Marc Fisher's. I honestly didn't pick him, he picked me to try on his shoe! I loved some Anne Klein's, I loved some Michael Kors, and loved some Calvin Klein's. For some reason the sparkle of the Marc's were what caught my eye.
They were so sparkly, gold and shiny! Hmmm...
The question was, should I buy the silver or the gold?
I feel like I have a lot of silver shoes already, I don't own any gold so maybe I should try for those. I decide yes, I am going to buy the gold.

**Pretend these are gold, I couldn't find a pic of the gold ones I actually bought!**
I walk up to the cash register, the guy rings them up and says:
"That will be $14.28 ma'am."
HUH??? $14.28!?!?!?!?! THEY WERE ONLY $13.99 BEFORE TAX AND REGULAR $40???

At this point, I realize that I would be STUPID not to buy the silver ones as well! I ask the guy to run back and get the silver ones in my size and I refuse to let someone else scoop up my silver shoes while I decide to think about it.
End of the day I have learned: I love shoes. I have a problem and love buying shoes. I love Macy's and DSW for providing me 95% of my shoes. I love Marc Fisher shoes.
Too cute! I love this post! And I LOVE the last pair in gold! I can totally picture them, and I am so jealous. They are so unique looking! Great finds!
ReplyDelete#1 - Glad you specified in the beginning that this post was not to be about Diet Coke...I really did expect it to be!
ReplyDelete#2- Is "tenny runners" a WA thing? My mom is the only person until now that I have heard say that!
#3 - FYI...DSW is nearly nationwide...been to a million in several states plus my sis in law is a store manager for them. Therefore, I get all of their shoes at cost. Jealous? :)
#4 - I almost peed my pants when you had the caption on the pic telling us to picture the sandals in gold since you couldn't find a pic of them.
#5 - You are HILARIOUS! Love ya!