This was it, an LG Verizon phone. The front little square had a picture of shooting stars and a moon, which matched the inside screen (when it wasn't a picture of one of the 209409284 children that I had babysat that year!). That phone went through WWIII and was dropped, kicked, thrown and it never looked bad. You would have thought I kept it in a plastic bubble.

Did I need a Blackberry? Heck no. I am the reason that Verizon came up with the "get a new phone for every 2 years." By year 1.5, I had the new phone itch and just wanted bigger and better and newer. I had to get a Blackberry! For my own sanity!
I purchased this bad boy... the best Blackberry that Verizon had to offer. The price, a little steep - but I was in love and thought it was totally worth every minute of my being! The plan, again - a little spendy, I didn't care! I lived at home.... what was the problem?! (I thought this a lot while living at home... dumb dumb girl I was!)

At long last, I had had it. I took it back to Verizon - told them I didn't want it and wanted to go back to a regular old flip phone with NO bells and whistles. Nothing. I missed my flip phone that was made of steel. I told tall Mr. Red Headed Verizon Man with an attitude, "I just don't see myself having a need for a Blackberry anymore and I should have just stayed with a normal phone." His response: "Well why did you get a Blackberry to begin with if you never truly NEEDED it." Okay listen... Mr. Customer Service - I'm trying not to chuck my phone directly between your eye balls! I calmly reply, "I thought it was cool. Okay? Is that the response you're looking for?"
After he told me that that particular week to go back to a regular phone would cost me (sit down for this part), $300. Huh? Seriously? But if I wait until the following month, it was only $100. Fine, I'll be back. I'll suffer for another month. I had lost all hope in Blackberries, and vowed NEVER to get one again. EVER! My cousin and I both made a promise to each other and the Blackberries in the world that we would never purchase one again and that they were straight from the devil. (aka: Devilberries.)
That next month, I was back there when the doors opened and was ready to meet Mr. Customer Service to spend $100, rather than the $300 on a regular flip phone. This flip phone was nice, the LG Voyager. It worked well. It sent texts. It allowed me to talk. It had a camera. All in all, great phone.
Two weeks ago. The darn touch screen quit working! Everything I had to do could only be done on the inside flip and that was kind of annoying. But, I'll suffer. My upgrade is in August, and it still works - I'll manage to survive another month and a half without raising chaos.
Last night, my dear sister's phone broke.
Jump in the car, and head on over to a Verizon store. She decides to purchase the Android Ally. Pretty sweet phone! It does a lot and I won't lie - the Google map on it is fantastic! It is very fancy. After she bought her phone, the guy asked me if I had an interest in looking at anything. I said no. I wasn't going to spend the money and that it would have to wait. (Self control, I don't have it often, but when I do - it's a big deal!) He asks what I am looking for when my contract ran out, and all I could see was the rack of Blackberries. I was drooling. I wanted... the... Blackberry!
I look at the Android Ally that Kate had just purchased. It's nice... but is it ME?

Finally, he brings me...

I bought it.
I have no self control.
I am restoring my faith in Blackberry, and hoping I am not disappointed. Please keep your fingers crossed that this pretty violet beauty lasts me two years until I get the itch for a new phone again...
At this point: my Cousin and I both have Blackberries again. We both suck. We have not an ounce of fight when it comes to temptation and pretty things.
My upgrade is coming in August too. I think I need the violet phone. It's too pretty.