Last August, we were transitioned to full-time employees of the client. Many of us had mixed feelings on how this transitioned would run, where as others were either doing cartwheels down the hallway or running down the hall crying scared of the unknown. I was one of those people with mixed feelings - only wondering how the new teams would be. But, at the same token was THRILLED to move full-time to a company who wants the best for their employees and pay for performance. Rather than work your tail off, to get no merit increase one year, to a decrease the next year. More importantly, I was SO excited for the team events that would we be able to participate in now! I did not have to sit back in my cubicle and watch the great divide of people getting to leave work early to go have fun, while we sat back working the afternoon away.
Since August, we've volunteered at the Ronald McDonald House as a HR Team. We've gone to a Columbus Blue Jackets game as a HR Team. Today, we had the 1st Annual Staffing Golf Tournament. When I say golf, I mean putt-putt golf. Imagine my surprise when my team was drawn and I was put onto Team Tiger Woods. I know, I know - he is a horrible and gross man, but I still think he's hot. Don't take that away from me!
To keep with the theme of the event, in normal Becca Fashion, I had to go buy some new threads! This started as a joke at work - that I was going to buy some new plaid pants, but my lovely co workers convinced me to really do it. I wanted to look the best I could for the tournament. Let's be honest - I am there to make Tiger (...and my Dad...) proud. Additionally, I just love watching golf. Playing, no way - I suck. Watching, I enjoy it. I wish I could have made it to the Memorial this year! Darn moving!
Anywho: back to the topic at hand. My new threads. While in Florida, I bought (as a joke) some bright pink Keds. I saw them, I thought - I'm in Clearwater Beach, I want to get some Keds like the 80 yr olds. So - I did.

But, when thinking about it I thought that these would be great for my golf game today! So, I needed to find some golf shorts to go with my shoes...
I head to Golf Galaxy after work to look for some carpis/shorts/something! Anything!
I found a few great pairs of shorts, but really - it all came down to these:

End of the day: Did I make Tiger or my Dad with my mad golf skills? No. Did my ankles make me look ridiculous? No. Did I look dumb? Debatable. Will I wear my golf shorts again? Heck yes. I want to get back out of the golf course and MAYBE learn to golf. But to be honest - I'd rather driving the golf cart and watch YOU golf in my cute clothes.
Those shorts are hot.