I wanted to take a moment to provide you with a proper farewell. Look at you, just sitting there in my bathroom, very still. Hardly moving. The light bulb, blinking so bad that you can tell you want to turn on and finish the job. However, as of today, you no longer have life in you. You have moved onto a new home, a home that will help you relax and not have to worry about working as hard as you did to straighten my hair. You have taken your last breath.

Before you came along, my hair was curly. It was ugly. It was annoying. Most importantly, people made fun of my hair and called me names. (Granted, this was middle school and not as an adult, but still...)

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for 6 1/2 years of effort in making me beautiful. Though I will be replacing you tomorrow, I will think of you often and remember you fondly. You will always be my first straightener, and know that you were the single reason for my hair being straight for the past 6 1/2 years.

Love always,
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