However, the more I think about it... life's most important obsessions are music. Think about it. You're driving in your car in the summer sun, you want good music! You're driving down a street covered with trees with colorful fall leaves and the appropriate music makes that drive even more beautiful. Obsessions to music start at a very early age! There are songs that I remember as a child that I will always remember and always love. This does include Neil Diamond singing "Coming to America." Or, Chicago - "You're the Inspiration." These songs make me smile and make me remember my little bowl haircut and singing into a hairbrush with my Strawberry Shortcake PJs on.
Everyone I know has some sort of music obsession - and it is these singers/bands/groups that make us smile. You will never grow tired of them, and you will always carry their songs with you everywhere you go. Especially in the car!
Neil's Obsession: The Beatles
As far back as I can remember, my Dad has always and forever will be obsessed with the Beatles. Growing up as kids, Kate and I would often find ourselves being quizzed on family car rides. "Whose singing this song?"

My darling little sister is obsessed with any handsome man who is able to play the piano on a professional level. Since the day she laid her eyes on Jim Brickman, she has been hooked. Whenever this girl is down in the dumps, this is her soothing music. When Christmas rolls around, this is her Holiday music. You can hear Jim Brickman every month of the year while hanging out or driving down the road with Kate. She officially became a member of the Jim Brickman fan club which not only sent her a t-shirt, but also provided her with backstage passes to meet Jim & his crew in person. If a concert has traveled into her area, she's been there. She has stayed in the state, she has gone out of the state - all in the while enjoying Jim and his beautiful piano playing skills.

Growing up, I always heard my Mom talk about the Osmond Brothers and "how cute they were and such nice boys." Then it was about Donnie & Marie - she was a fan! She too, signed up to be apart of Donny's fanclub online. Every year on her bday, Donny sends her an email and sings her happy birthday - it melts her heart and makes her year! About 3 yrs ago, Donny was coming to Columbus and she REALLY wanted to go. I never really listened to Donny except for a few random times. Though, I knew my mom has always loved him! Being the good daughter I am, I volunteered to go with her. (What was I thinking!?) I have never in my life been surrounded by so many middle-aged women wearing polyester outfits with sequins. Holy crap. Regardless, I left that concert actually have had a great time and do enjoy listening to Donny voluntarily!

Courtney's Obsession: Michael Jackson
I always thought that my Dad would top the charts with his obsession - but he has tough competition. My dearest friend Courtney is by far one of the most dedicated Michael Jackson fans I'll ever meet in my life. Since the passing of her dear MJ, she has given her heart and soul to fully support Prince Michael, Paris & Blanket's college funds by buying every single cd, dvd, book that she can possibly get her hands on. With her obsession, it has taught me to learn to appreciate Michael for all of his talents. Yes, I listened to Michael growing up - but it is not until his passing that I can say I listen to him on a regular basis. I wish that I would have listened to him sooner, because the talent that he displays is truly indescribable.

I am truly a child of the late 80's/early 90's. I grew up in the time of Tiger Beat and Teen Bop posters, which covered my bedroom walls top to bottom. It is possible that I might have had some taped up under my top bunk to see at night... Shhhh! Don't tell!
I was still living in Enumclaw with my first two started. It was all about New Kids on the Block, and Debbie Gibson. I couldn't even handle how much I loved their music. I wanted every single NKOTB doll, buttons, t-shirt, sweatshirt, bedding, pillows, Debbie Gibson Electric Youth Perfume, you name it - I wanted it. I didn't get all of it, but I got a good amount. The only thing that I truly never got was to go to any of their concerts. It was a sad day when NKOTB disappeared, and I had yet to get to a concert. Our dear Debbie became Deborah and let's face it - just wasn't what she was before. My obsession died down, though - deep down I still loved them both dearly!

Following NKOTB and Debbie - moved into Janet Jackson. I can still remember the day that Christmas Day when I opened up my very first Janet Jackson cassette tape. Escapade anyone? Black Cat? I packed my new cassette into my new Caboodle and went to my room to sit and listen to Janet all day long until Christmas dinner.
To date: I have been able to see two of my three music obsessions live and in person. When Nsync was big, Debbie Gibson toured with them and found themselves at Crew Stadium. I went to go to see Deborah, where the other kiddos around me where there for Lance Bass. Last November, I went to go Seattle to experience the comeback of NKOTB with one of my dearest cousins - Rhiannon. I have a NEW NKOTB t-shirt, I have a NEW button and am a fan! Someday, if I ever find Janet in Columbus - I think that it is only fitting that I see

I'm coming with you if you go to Janet's concert!