Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Willie the Bird

**Warning, I know many of my friends are animal lovers and I promise that this story turns out okay... just know that!!*

Yesterday after work, I was driving "home" to my parents house in Delaware after work. My Uncle Rob is in town, so I decided to head on to their house and visit for a while and enjoy his company. (Life is never dull with Rob in town!). I was driving along, talking to Jen on the phone - catching up on Autumn's growing like a weed and the fact that she's walking now (crazy!), when I thought I heard a soft thud on my window. I thought - what in the world was that?? So - I am continuing driving through the neighborhood and notice I see some feathers laying down by my windshield wiper. Seriously - I'm trying to pay attention to what Jen is saying, but all I can think of is "oh my god... I killed a bird." I finally tell Jen, I think I killed a bird... AHHH! I pull up to my parents house, and thankfully see my Dad outside watering his lawn. (It's Neil, he has to make it look as much as a golf course as he possibly can! He takes pride in his grass.) I get out of the car and tel him I killed a bird and ew ew ew, please get it off my car and run inside so I don't have to see the burial. Dad comes in the house, "the bird was alive." WHAT!? Unbelieveable! My Dad had placed the small bird in the tree near the road. Thankfully, I just knocked the wind out of the poor little bird and he just needed time to rest in the tree before flying off and learning to fly once again. Whew!

A few hours later, we went to check back at the tree and the bird was gone. It's a good feeling to know that he only had a mild "hangover" as we called it. My Mom & Dad leave to go downtown Delaware for a quick errand. They jump in the car, and start pulling away when my uncle starts to yell "Stop!" That silly little bird had hopped onto the bumper of my Mom's car and again - was hitching a ride. One would think this bird would learn not to jump on cars! It didn't work out in his favor the first time, and he should have learned his lesson. Cars are not his friend! Rob then retrieves the bird, and holds it in his hands for about 2 minutes until it flies away to one of the bushes.

Kate and I went to check on the bird repeatedly to make sure that all was well, and it had not tried to hitch-hike on an other cars driving down West Fountain Avenue. Kate decided that Mr. Bird needed a name, and it was Willie (It's William when he's in trouble...) Willie let us touch him; but would not let us hold him. We tried to pick him up, but he flew away to another branch.

Willie may or may not become a full-time resident at the Warren House on West Fountain Avenue, and we are happy to have him as a part of the family. Even better, I'm relieved that I did not kill Willie and just hopefully knocked some sense into him. :)

*Everyone, meet Willie Warren!

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