Growing up, I was always the kid who played house. I played with my Cabbage Patch dolls until it was no longer cool. My cousin, Jaclyn, and I would have sleep overs and trade our doll clothes. I've loved babies from the very beginning of time. For as long as I can remember, my Mom has always said: "Oh that Becca. She would even love a baby snake as long as it is a baby." Okay, I disagree with her on that statement - but it's true. I absolutely love everything about babies! Call me a freak if you will, but I set my DVR everyday for TLC to record The Baby Story. When it comes time to watch it, I cry. Why? Because I'm sensitive, that's why!
Right out of high school, I landed a job at a local preschool. I started off as just a floater, but over time found myself full-time (while going to school) in the baby room. It was the perfect job for me. I held babies literally all day long. Rocked them to sleep, changed them, fed them, etc. I stayed at that job for about 5 yrs when I went to school full time. Through the years, I've babysat probably over 100 children (I counted at one point), and my heart has always belonged to those itty bitty babies. I've seen so many children grow up through the years, and it honestly melts my heart.
This year, it has been the year of babies for many people that I know. Not only are people I know having their first (or second, or third, or forth) babies, but they are all people who I love. Whether it is a relative, or a friend - each baby is so special in their own way.
My cousin Chris, and wonderful wife Janette recently expanded their little family into a family of 4. Miss Riley Mae made her debut last week, and is absolutely precious in every way! Big sister Kalie is going to have so much fun with her little sister through the years, I can only hope she enjoys her little sister as I do mine! (They are lots of fun to pick on!) Aunt Jaclyn is just as proud as if Riley was her own. Taking about her two wonderful nieces, makes her smile ear to ear!
Miss Riley will grow up at Warren family functions with my cousin Rhiannon's soon to be born baby. Baby Boy Brovold will be born mid-December. You can bet that come beginning of December, I will await for the text/call that the little guy is on his way. This baby comes with a whole lot of people who love him, and are waiting to meet him. Rhiannon and Kenny mean the absolute world to me - and I couldn't be thrilled to watch them expand their little family into three. I have no doubt that they will provide for their new little guy, and will be the best parents out there. This little boy is so lucky to be born to such two amazing people. Most exciting part: I will be traveling back to Seattle in January to meet this new little guy in person and be able to squeeze him like silly!
My dear friend, Joanna, who I have been friends with from working at Cardinal is also expecting. Baby Boy Jutte will be born mid-January. This is another baby who is coming into a fantastic family. Joanna comes from a very strong British family, and I cannot wait to hear the little accent that this little guy will adapt to through life! The fun thing about this baby, I'll actually get to see and hold him since he is local to me!
Where I am so very excited for all of these new or expectant mothers, not being able to meet Miss Riley and being there to see newborn Baby Boy tugs at my heart. We moved away from Seattle back in 1990, and since then we have not had the feeling of "family" functions or participating in all of these family events. Thinking about possibly having a real family Christmas, Thanksgiving or birth of a family member makes me want to pack up my bags and move back to the area tomorrow. As an adult, you begin to realize just how important these events are. As a child, Christmas is about presents. Today, I sit here and realize it is the time spent with loved ones which is truly the most important gift.
Babies are such a blessing, and I wish nothing but happiness for my dear friends and family. Though I have not been able to experience these emotions; I am so very excited for each and everyone who has had the opportunity. Everyone needs to have more babies, so I have more to hold and more to have fun with!
**Sorry to make so sappy, totally had a thought on my mind and had to talk about it. :)**
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Since the unfortunate passing of Michael Jackson, my dear friend has continued to mourn his loss and scratch her head as to why the world lost a soft soul so early in life. To show her support, she has purchased every DVD, every CD, every (positive) book ever written about the King of Pop. She is truly a knowledge of wisdom when it comes to this topic. Last year, Twilight, this year - Michael Jackson. Those around Courtney E. Scott will never forget him and will continue to be reminded of his talents.
Growing up, I am sad to say that I wasn't the biggest Michael Jackson fan (though I did like him and enjoy his tunes), I was a supporter of his sister, Janet. I purchased the cds, I watched her videos, and let's face it - I even had her cassette tapes. I remember in middle school, sitting in my room rocking out to Rhythm Nation. I remember in high school listening to If and Velvet Rope. I also remember "attempting" to bust a move (behind closed doors of course) to dance like Janet.
Combined with my liking for Janet, and Courtney's liking for Michael and watching the video and listening to Scream, over and over and over again - we came up with the most brilliant of ideas.
Next year for our Halloween Costumes, we will be Michael and Janet and will dance their dance. (Granted, I can speak for myself when I say that hopefully by attempting to dance and make a complete idiot of myself in my living room - I will drop enough poundage to look decent enough not to look like a slug in my up coming pleather pants!) Courtney and I have been amazingly good friends for years, and what is a better costume than combining her love for Michael, and my love for Janet?! Thankfully, Halloween is still over a year away so we have plenty of time to jump around and dance.
When Janet did her tribute for Michael at the VMAs, I watched her in awe. Her ability to dance is truly amazing, and I am envious of her talent. I watch her in all of her videos, and I honestly wonder if there is a dance teacher out there who would be willing to teach me to bust a move. Weird, right? At this point, I am honestly thinking that this could result in my 2010 New Years Resolution. If you know anyone in Columbus willing to teach this slug to dance like Janet, please give me a call!
Growing up, I am sad to say that I wasn't the biggest Michael Jackson fan (though I did like him and enjoy his tunes), I was a supporter of his sister, Janet. I purchased the cds, I watched her videos, and let's face it - I even had her cassette tapes. I remember in middle school, sitting in my room rocking out to Rhythm Nation. I remember in high school listening to If and Velvet Rope. I also remember "attempting" to bust a move (behind closed doors of course) to dance like Janet.
Combined with my liking for Janet, and Courtney's liking for Michael and watching the video and listening to Scream, over and over and over again - we came up with the most brilliant of ideas.

Monday, October 12, 2009
Criminals live within East Campus

Over the past few weeks (okay, fine - few months!), I've been "finding myself." When I say this, I mean that for the past 7 years, I've been scared to eat a darn thing due to my digestive system rejecting food. The pain I experienced, put fear into my mind every single time I put something in my mouth. "Will it hurt again this time?" It really became quite annoying after 7 years in hearing that there was "nothing wrong with me." Low and behold, I finally had a test come back positive for gall stones. Music to my ears. So, since my gall bladder removal in July - I've been out in the world testing all the foods I couldn't eat before. Focusing specifically on Mexican. Mmm! Over the past few months, I've done quite if bit of going to Happy Hour, dinner, lunches and out of town vacations - which all result in eating out. Let's face it - when you're at Happy Hour with a few good friends, the last thing you want to do is eat salad and drink water! Therefore, I haven't been on my best behavior and cannot face standing on a scale for the fear that all of the great pounds I lost over the past few months are probably back on my body. I'm feeling like a slug, therefore - I am a slug.
I had a great weekend with friends again this weekend, and when I arrived back at home - I decided that it is back time to find my focus. I know I can focus and eat better, I did it for 2 yrs and had great results! However, since I was "finding myself" it was my excuse to be a slug. I am here to announce my friends, those days are over. My motivation is back, and it is time to start packing my lunches again and cooking my dinner at home.
Because I tend to run late in the mornings (again, another excuse for not making a lunch), I typically make my lunches at night. Last night, I got everything together in my cute little Crate and Barrell red lunchbox. Packed my 1 cup dry cereal and applesauce for breakfast, and my Lean Pocket and my peaches for lunch, finalized with a few crackers for an afternoon snack if I feel like I am withering away to nothing.
I arrive at work, and throw my Lean Pocket in the freezer. Same freezer, same shelf placement I always put any type of frozen food that I would pack.
12:45 rolls around and I decide that the offer letters need a break, and it is time to eat my lunch. I walk to the East Campus cafe to grab my diet coke, and move to the freezer to grab my lunch to warm up. Open the door, and BAM! Gone! I look high and low in that freezer and it is no where to be found! Could it have vanished into thin air? Is Cardinal Health haunted with ghosts who enjoy Lean Pockets? No, of course not! Someone took MY LUNCH!!! At this point, I think of Ross on Friends who goes into a rage when someone eats his sandwich, they didn't like it, so they threw it away. I want my lunch! I don't want to be forced down into the cafe to buy something unhealthy - it's not fair! I found my motivation and I wanted to keep the momentum going! I could get a salad, but I very picky on my dressings and I am not too fond of what they have to offer. A plain turkey sandwich is boring, and I don't want it! I'm not happy.
I hope that whoever took my lunch burns their mouth, or bites the heck out of their cheek! After sharing my little story with my dear friend, Callie, I learn that over the Summer - her Lean Pocket was taken too! I am fully willing to play hall monitor, and set up a little security desk in front of the fridges, and monitor that everyone takes their own lunch. We're all adults for goodness sake! I am sorry that you may not have received a decent enough salary increase, but please remember that we're all struggling with the economy and stealing other people's food - is not okay. Maybe you didn't get your increase, because you are a thief!
Tomorrow, between the hours of 11:30-1:30pm, you will find me in front of the freezer. I am going to consider this my own "Cardinal Health Neighborhood Watch" and I will ensure that your lunch is not taken either!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Zip! Zap! Gone!
I absolutely love the girl that does my eye brows, she is the nicest girl in the world. Even when it looks like I have caterpillars over my eyes, she just laughs it off and says: "Yep! It's been awhile, huh?" She has been ripping out my hair for quite a few years - we've grown a bond. She also is aware that when I schedule an appt at 5:30 after work, I'm always going to be running in the doors 4 minutes late. She claims she doesn't mind, but if I were her - I would be annoyed and would rip out those fine hairs that hurt like a mother a little harder! She's gentle though.
Yesterday, I first would like to point out I was smart and scheduled my appt for 6:30 rather than 5:30. This way, I am not running in the front doors like a freak from work and apologizing like it is my J O B! She was proud that I had not waited to until I had insects crawling across my face and complimented me on that. Followed by that very nice compliment was: "Oh... my... god! What happened to your face?!" She spotted it. The enemy. The massive pimple that had emerged from the depths of hell during the night before. My reply: "I know! It was there when I woke up this morning! Am I going through puberty again or what?!"
After my brows were beautifully shaped, she announces that she is going to shock my my blemish. Uh, as it electric shock therapy? NO THANK YOU! The inner child I am, I ask if it is going to hurt. What is more important? Shocking this mountain of evil on my face or dealing with a little shock to rid of it. Hmmm... "No Becca, it is not going to hurt. You'll feel it, but you'll be okay." (You know in her head she is thinking "you just had surgery - stop being a wienie.") I brace myself for the shock, which ends up actually only feel like a slight tickle on my cheek. Not at all what I was expecting! She tells me that the blemish should be gone by morning. I am in honest amazement and cannot wait to wake up tomorrow to see if it is gone! I wake up this morning, and to my surprise what was once an additional growth on my face has turned nicely into just a small bump easily covered by foundation.
A note to my eyebrow girl: Thank you for taking a chance and giving me that little added bonus yesterday. I do fully believe that you were nice to me and took away my new appendage because I was on time and didn't keep you waiting! You can bet that I will be on time everytime from now on out!
Yesterday, I first would like to point out I was smart and scheduled my appt for 6:30 rather than 5:30. This way, I am not running in the front doors like a freak from work and apologizing like it is my J O B! She was proud that I had not waited to until I had insects crawling across my face and complimented me on that. Followed by that very nice compliment was: "Oh... my... god! What happened to your face?!" She spotted it. The enemy. The massive pimple that had emerged from the depths of hell during the night before. My reply: "I know! It was there when I woke up this morning! Am I going through puberty again or what?!"
After my brows were beautifully shaped, she announces that she is going to shock my my blemish. Uh, as it electric shock therapy? NO THANK YOU! The inner child I am, I ask if it is going to hurt. What is more important? Shocking this mountain of evil on my face or dealing with a little shock to rid of it. Hmmm... "No Becca, it is not going to hurt. You'll feel it, but you'll be okay." (You know in her head she is thinking "you just had surgery - stop being a wienie.") I brace myself for the shock, which ends up actually only feel like a slight tickle on my cheek. Not at all what I was expecting! She tells me that the blemish should be gone by morning. I am in honest amazement and cannot wait to wake up tomorrow to see if it is gone! I wake up this morning, and to my surprise what was once an additional growth on my face has turned nicely into just a small bump easily covered by foundation.
A note to my eyebrow girl: Thank you for taking a chance and giving me that little added bonus yesterday. I do fully believe that you were nice to me and took away my new appendage because I was on time and didn't keep you waiting! You can bet that I will be on time everytime from now on out!
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