I would like to make a slight update to the blog that I wrote on the 22nd about my speakerphone duo, as well as the non-stop sneezing that I encounter on a daily basis.
Dear Speakerphone Princess:
Now, I understand that there are times were we may all have the feeling where we need to use the speaker phone. Why, Michele and I did it the other day when making a combined call to a hiring manager. This is an acceptable time to use your speaker phone. I will not bat an eye, and I will not complain. I totally get it! Today, Michele and I are at my desk truly talking about a situation that was of high importance and was something that was critical for our work, and something that needed to be discussed. Techincally, we could have been unappropriate and yelled over the wall at one another. Or, we could have used speaker phone since everyone around us would likely want to hear our voices in stereo - but instead, we talked at my desk. Low and behold, you decided to look at us and say: "I'm sorry, you need to keep it down." I looked at you and thought to myself are you kidding me!? It is okay for you to have a small party around my cubicle with his co-workers while I am on the phone. It is okay for your group to scream into a speaker phone so I can hear their every word from both angles while I am on the phone. But it is CERTAINLY NOT OKAY for Michele and I have to have a work related convo in my cubicle. In MY space. In MY area. With MY pictures hanging up on my fabric covered walls. I am glad that we are coming to this understanding. I've never complained about you, so let's come to an understanding where our cubicles are only so soundproof.
Dear Old Glory Nose Blower:
Please go to the bathroom and wash your hands after every sneeze. After every blow. Especially after every time you cover your wall with spit and snot. I understand that in winter, your hands are going to become dry from the washing routine. However, Purell does make some amazing hand-santizer that moisturizes as it disinfects. I will be going to Costco this weekend, so if you need some Purell - please let me know. I'd be happy to pick up your first dose of keeping our workplace healthy. Additionally, I can only hope that you are using those tissues that are anti-bacterial as well. If not, again, please consider this for you and the good of all around you.
Thank you for your time,
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
The Speaker Phone, The Sneezer & The Potty Cover
Don't lie - you saw the title of my blog you were curious to know what this was going to be about! These are the three main characteristics of my day at work. Walking through the main doors of my company, you will find me tucked away in the midst of the cubicle wilderness on the first floor. On the first floor you will find all of my Staffing co-workers, though we are divided into 2 different areas. Half of us are on one side, half of us are on the other side. I will say that those on the other side of 1st floor are LUCKY! I might be willing to pay someone to switch me spots - all for them to experience the chaos in my area on a daily basis. Let's face it, I may have my own "space" but we all know that a 3 walled-fabric area isn't the most effective sound barrier.
Across the aisle from me, is a girl. Now, I am openly admitting - I'm loud. Yes, I, Rebecca C. Warren am a loud person. I am my father's daughter and there is really only so much I can do about that. However, I have met my match. This girl blows me and my loudness out of the water! Hard to believe, I know! I personally had no idea this would ever happen (though I am glad that it did!). This girl sits 2 cubes away from her boss, that's right - 2 cubes. Everytime she has a question, he feels the need to use her speaker phone and he in return feels the need to answer his phone on speaker. Have I mentioned that they sit 2 cubes down? Normal talking would be far more effective than the constant echo of speaker phones! This girl literally has about 10-15 questions a day that she needs to "call" her boss about. Yes, I hear her and his stereo'd speakerphone convos between 10 - 15 times day. I wonder what would happen if one day their phones disappeared, I have a feeling that she would go through a severe withdraw!
On the other side of the wall from "Loud Girl," is "Sneezing Girl." Sneezing Girl sneezes literally ALL day! From the minute she walks in, to the minute she leaves - she sneezes. I can only hope that they were small little sneezes, but no. She makes Neil Warren's sneezes look quiet! She is the most messy, loud sneezer in the world! One day, I was up to 50 sneezes on my tally post-it note when I finally just gave up. I have often considered contacting one of my Infection Prevention Sales Reps to ask for a sample of their hospital protection gear. I am not sure if I want it for myself; or to make her cube a smaller melting pot of germs. It's gross... really. I am a person who suffers from Spring/Animal allergies, and I have never in my life sneezed every single day as much as this girl. Two items: Lysol Wipes & Tissues.
Today, after pumping through a million offer letters and starting a thousand background checks - I really had to go to the bathroom. I walked into the Ladies Room, and into a stall where I find that someone had put down a potty liner, walked out, and failed to notice that it was not sucked down the toilet when flushed. SICK! Where is it in my job description to flush down your potty liner!? We are all grown adults, and I'd have to expect that someone would ensure that everything was disposed of properly before exiting the stall. Call me crazy, but I NEVER leave until all is well. I am bringing this up only as a friendly tip: please be kind and remember that neither I or your co-workers want to pick up after you ESPECIALLY in the bathroom and especially in my bathroom on my side of the building!
The cubicle life is a crazy one - and there is so much that goes on during the day! Whether it is the person who sneezes all day, the person who decides to never pick up the phone and use speakerphone for every call, or even the person who eats the same smelly thing for breakfast that makes all of our stomachs turn... ohhh it's fun! I highly recommend it to anyone ...
Across the aisle from me, is a girl. Now, I am openly admitting - I'm loud. Yes, I, Rebecca C. Warren am a loud person. I am my father's daughter and there is really only so much I can do about that. However, I have met my match. This girl blows me and my loudness out of the water! Hard to believe, I know! I personally had no idea this would ever happen (though I am glad that it did!). This girl sits 2 cubes away from her boss, that's right - 2 cubes. Everytime she has a question, he feels the need to use her speaker phone and he in return feels the need to answer his phone on speaker. Have I mentioned that they sit 2 cubes down? Normal talking would be far more effective than the constant echo of speaker phones! This girl literally has about 10-15 questions a day that she needs to "call" her boss about. Yes, I hear her and his stereo'd speakerphone convos between 10 - 15 times day. I wonder what would happen if one day their phones disappeared, I have a feeling that she would go through a severe withdraw!
On the other side of the wall from "Loud Girl," is "Sneezing Girl." Sneezing Girl sneezes literally ALL day! From the minute she walks in, to the minute she leaves - she sneezes. I can only hope that they were small little sneezes, but no. She makes Neil Warren's sneezes look quiet! She is the most messy, loud sneezer in the world! One day, I was up to 50 sneezes on my tally post-it note when I finally just gave up. I have often considered contacting one of my Infection Prevention Sales Reps to ask for a sample of their hospital protection gear. I am not sure if I want it for myself; or to make her cube a smaller melting pot of germs. It's gross... really. I am a person who suffers from Spring/Animal allergies, and I have never in my life sneezed every single day as much as this girl. Two items: Lysol Wipes & Tissues.
Today, after pumping through a million offer letters and starting a thousand background checks - I really had to go to the bathroom. I walked into the Ladies Room, and into a stall where I find that someone had put down a potty liner, walked out, and failed to notice that it was not sucked down the toilet when flushed. SICK! Where is it in my job description to flush down your potty liner!? We are all grown adults, and I'd have to expect that someone would ensure that everything was disposed of properly before exiting the stall. Call me crazy, but I NEVER leave until all is well. I am bringing this up only as a friendly tip: please be kind and remember that neither I or your co-workers want to pick up after you ESPECIALLY in the bathroom and especially in my bathroom on my side of the building!
The cubicle life is a crazy one - and there is so much that goes on during the day! Whether it is the person who sneezes all day, the person who decides to never pick up the phone and use speakerphone for every call, or even the person who eats the same smelly thing for breakfast that makes all of our stomachs turn... ohhh it's fun! I highly recommend it to anyone ...
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Little Things in Life
As years go by, and adult maturity kicks in (ha ha) - noticing things that you didn't notice as a child truly begin to have meaning. Over the past few years, I have had random times where something happens and you just think of how wonderful they are - even if they are silly and small. Honestly, it is those little things that can bring a smile to my face and make me realize just how great my life really is.
*The morning Diet Coke: call me crazy, but a morning without Diet Coke is like a day without sunlight! It is that first Diet Coke of the day that makes me happy and no matter how bad my day is going to be, there is always that first sip of DC that made me smile!
*Please's & Thank You's: One thing that my parents always taught my sister and I were manners. I cannot imagine going a day without saying these two little words. They don't take much effort; but to some people - clearly they do. When a door is held open for you, a Thank You is always appreciated. Remember: I could have let that door slam in your face. Because my workday consists of being on email all day - I personally find it a necessity to make sure to always say thank you. I never want to be known as that girl who is un-appreciative and rude.
*Seeing long-distance friends & family: The 4 of us are the only family we have in Ohio. For the past 14 yrs, majority of our holidays were spent with just us. Every now and again we would have the opportunity to spend it with other family members; but it isn't a lot. Being able to spend time with family and friends who we don't see often means the world to me. I miss my family & longest friends on the West Coast, and wish with all my might I could see everyone more than I currently do. But - it is those times I am able to see them that makes me appreciate them for all that they are.
*Helping those in need: As many of you know - my Mom works for Delaware County People in Need. It is an organization who helps those in need - whether it's providing them with food, or assistance with other life's necessities. This started for my Mom as just a volunteering opportunity to do something that she loved, though has changed into a true part-time job for her. With her dedication to help those in need, it has truly rubbed off on my sister and I. Every December since my Mom started volunteering, the Warren Family has been a large part of Toyland at our Holiday Clearinghouse. Being able to provide families with Holiday presents for their children, and watching those less fortunate be able to give their child the presents they deserve but couldn't afford is priceless. If I didn't work full-time, I'd dedicate as much time as I possibly could to this organization. The things that they do and provide are incredible and it makes me fortunate for all that I have. Additionally, it has helped me to see through the eyes of others how hard life can be. I try as much as possible to donate children's clothes or food at every opporunity I can. Those small things can change a person's life.
*My Camera: Since high school, I have always been heavily into photography. Though I don't do it much anymore as I should - the chances that I do get out to see the world through my camera are all worth it. There is always one picture that you will take of your subject that catches your eye and sparkles like it's the most spectacular picture in the world. I would not trade a day of driving around anywhere I can with my camera to find that one picture out of 100 that can take your breath away.
There are so many sad things happening in the world right now that reflecting on what I do have, and what makes me happy is truly important. I couldn't be any more thrilled with my life and all that I have. I know that I lack things that others have, but I also have things that others do not have that make up for those missing elements. I don't have a boyfriend/husband, I don't have children... But I do have a fabulous family, wonderful friends, the most amazing opportunties to travel and see as much as the world as I possibly can before all of those elements come my way. It is all the combined things up top that make me smile, and remember the great things in life that I love so much and have learned from daily.
*The morning Diet Coke: call me crazy, but a morning without Diet Coke is like a day without sunlight! It is that first Diet Coke of the day that makes me happy and no matter how bad my day is going to be, there is always that first sip of DC that made me smile!
*Please's & Thank You's: One thing that my parents always taught my sister and I were manners. I cannot imagine going a day without saying these two little words. They don't take much effort; but to some people - clearly they do. When a door is held open for you, a Thank You is always appreciated. Remember: I could have let that door slam in your face. Because my workday consists of being on email all day - I personally find it a necessity to make sure to always say thank you. I never want to be known as that girl who is un-appreciative and rude.
*Seeing long-distance friends & family: The 4 of us are the only family we have in Ohio. For the past 14 yrs, majority of our holidays were spent with just us. Every now and again we would have the opportunity to spend it with other family members; but it isn't a lot. Being able to spend time with family and friends who we don't see often means the world to me. I miss my family & longest friends on the West Coast, and wish with all my might I could see everyone more than I currently do. But - it is those times I am able to see them that makes me appreciate them for all that they are.
*Helping those in need: As many of you know - my Mom works for Delaware County People in Need. It is an organization who helps those in need - whether it's providing them with food, or assistance with other life's necessities. This started for my Mom as just a volunteering opportunity to do something that she loved, though has changed into a true part-time job for her. With her dedication to help those in need, it has truly rubbed off on my sister and I. Every December since my Mom started volunteering, the Warren Family has been a large part of Toyland at our Holiday Clearinghouse. Being able to provide families with Holiday presents for their children, and watching those less fortunate be able to give their child the presents they deserve but couldn't afford is priceless. If I didn't work full-time, I'd dedicate as much time as I possibly could to this organization. The things that they do and provide are incredible and it makes me fortunate for all that I have. Additionally, it has helped me to see through the eyes of others how hard life can be. I try as much as possible to donate children's clothes or food at every opporunity I can. Those small things can change a person's life.
*My Camera: Since high school, I have always been heavily into photography. Though I don't do it much anymore as I should - the chances that I do get out to see the world through my camera are all worth it. There is always one picture that you will take of your subject that catches your eye and sparkles like it's the most spectacular picture in the world. I would not trade a day of driving around anywhere I can with my camera to find that one picture out of 100 that can take your breath away.
There are so many sad things happening in the world right now that reflecting on what I do have, and what makes me happy is truly important. I couldn't be any more thrilled with my life and all that I have. I know that I lack things that others have, but I also have things that others do not have that make up for those missing elements. I don't have a boyfriend/husband, I don't have children... But I do have a fabulous family, wonderful friends, the most amazing opportunties to travel and see as much as the world as I possibly can before all of those elements come my way. It is all the combined things up top that make me smile, and remember the great things in life that I love so much and have learned from daily.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
It's the Buckeye State, what's not to love!?
With so much going on at work; and a crappy economy - relocation is not always in the books for someone. Relocation takes so much thought, and wondering - that in itself could wear a person down! I'm going to use a fake person's name for this blog, and we'll call him - Rod. Rod is a good guy, who had worked his you-know-what off for quite a number of years. Because of some recent changes, Rod was forced of the decision of does he want to relocate to Dublin? The intent of this blog is to help (cough, cough - push!) Rod into moving to the great Mid-West and forget about the beach and canal in his back yard!
People ask, what? What is so special about living in Columbus, Ohio? Well - there are lots of things that are special about living in Columbus, Ohio! I'll give you the top 10 reasons as to why ROD should live in C-Bus!
10.) Red, White & Boom! Every year, Columbus puts on a fantastic show for the 4th of July which is called "Red, White & Boom!" For those people who do not like crowds, I suggest you park on the side of the road elsewhere because this is fo sho not the place for you! However, because it can be seen from various sides of Columbus, it is always a fun time with a great soundtrack by a local radio station.

9.) Concrete Corn Cobs: How many times in your life can you HONESTLY say that you saw Concrete Corn!? Who else in the world would have Concrete Corn except for Dublin, Ohio! It's the best corn of all. Doesn't rely on rain, too much sun doesn't hurt it - it's the perfect cob!

8.) Dancing Bunnies: Some kids like swings, some kids like pools - but here in Dublin/Columbus, our kids like gigantic sized stone bunnies! On any given day where the sun is peaking through - you can expect bus loads of kids to be at the bunnies! Who needs a pool when you have bunnies and the fountains (not in picture) to run around and enjoy the summer. Sure, you might lose a crumb snatcher or two - but they are likely just hiding behind one of the massive bunny legs.

7.) Graeter's Ice Cream: Some of the most amazing ice cream you'll find in the world. As reference, I recommend that everyone try the Peanut Butter Chip or Raspberry Chip. You won't be sorry. Can someone please explain to me how in the world the massive chips of chocolate are soft from sitting in frozen ice cream? It's truly a mystery - but an amazing one at that!

6.) Amish Country: Yes, other states in the United States have Amish too - but I can guarantee our Amish are better than your Amish! Berlin, Millersburg & a vast amount of Holmes County is the capital of Ohio for driving behind buggies. I fully believe that the reason that they drive their horse & buggies so slow is to make us drive by the bakeries at a slow pace and have absolutely no self control and turn in for a Cinnamon Roll the size of your head. If sweets aren't your thing, no problem! How about some cheese! Heini's offers a great amount of cheeses and free samples. They say one at a time... however, most everyone I know enjoys a few more than one piece and continues to sample (with clean toothpicks of course!) until they bust. You're still not on board with the sweets and/or cheese? Well - then I don't know what to tell you other than keep driving down the road until you hit the winery and drink until the cows come home! However, I'll warn you from personal experience. DO NOT drink 1 1/2 bottles of Frost Fire by yourself. You'll be sorry... just a friendly warning. Dont' say I don't care about you!
5.) Ohio State University Buckeyes: Look at the stadium.. what's not to love!? Game Day is amazing, Jim Tressel is hot in his sweatervest and there is just nothing better than Scarlet and Gray flooding the town! If you're not into football, that Game Days are a good opportunity for you to go shopping and avoid crowds. No one will be out and about!
4.) Jym Gahnal & the Channel 4 Storm Team: One thing that scares the bee-jesus out of me about Ohio is thunderstorms and tornados. Between Jym, Marshall McPeek & Bob Nunnally you never have to be scared again! (I wish I could say that tornados don't scare me with the Storm Team around but the thought of a massive twister coming and ripping down my house is terrifying!) Additionally, another news source that helps with your morning/evening commute: Rod's Western Palace Time Saver Traffic! They will get you from point A to point B with no problems! Thanks, Columbus News Media!
3.) Alum Creek: I understand that there are people out there who have the luxury of living on a beach or canal (Rod..... this is specifically for you!). In Columbus, we too have beaches. Meet Alum Creek! Yes, it has recently been on the news for some washed up graves that have surfaced from the 70s - but is also good for a day of sailing! (ha ha) Think of it as the "Mini-Atlantic Ocean." It's seriously like the SAME THING!
2.) El Vaquero Restaurant: Now that I am without a gallbladder, I can enjoy El Vaquero as often as I please without carrying my pill case like a 90 yr old lady. (It's the simple things in life...) El Vaquero is by far the best Mexican restaurant around! Ask anyone! What are things you can enjoy in El Vaquero? Queso - oh yah. Burritos - as big as your head. Chips - Mmmm! Margaritas - ABSOLUTELY! Speaking of Margaritas - lets plan a date and have a margarita or two, or three... possibly 4!
1.) Becca Warren: duh!

I hope you enjoyed your own personal tour of Columbus! I am not a licensed realtor, but I can assure you that I will do everything in my power to help you call Columbus, "home!" If I can do it, you can do it too!
People ask, what? What is so special about living in Columbus, Ohio? Well - there are lots of things that are special about living in Columbus, Ohio! I'll give you the top 10 reasons as to why ROD should live in C-Bus!
10.) Red, White & Boom! Every year, Columbus puts on a fantastic show for the 4th of July which is called "Red, White & Boom!" For those people who do not like crowds, I suggest you park on the side of the road elsewhere because this is fo sho not the place for you! However, because it can be seen from various sides of Columbus, it is always a fun time with a great soundtrack by a local radio station.

9.) Concrete Corn Cobs: How many times in your life can you HONESTLY say that you saw Concrete Corn!? Who else in the world would have Concrete Corn except for Dublin, Ohio! It's the best corn of all. Doesn't rely on rain, too much sun doesn't hurt it - it's the perfect cob!

8.) Dancing Bunnies: Some kids like swings, some kids like pools - but here in Dublin/Columbus, our kids like gigantic sized stone bunnies! On any given day where the sun is peaking through - you can expect bus loads of kids to be at the bunnies! Who needs a pool when you have bunnies and the fountains (not in picture) to run around and enjoy the summer. Sure, you might lose a crumb snatcher or two - but they are likely just hiding behind one of the massive bunny legs.

7.) Graeter's Ice Cream: Some of the most amazing ice cream you'll find in the world. As reference, I recommend that everyone try the Peanut Butter Chip or Raspberry Chip. You won't be sorry. Can someone please explain to me how in the world the massive chips of chocolate are soft from sitting in frozen ice cream? It's truly a mystery - but an amazing one at that!

6.) Amish Country: Yes, other states in the United States have Amish too - but I can guarantee our Amish are better than your Amish! Berlin, Millersburg & a vast amount of Holmes County is the capital of Ohio for driving behind buggies. I fully believe that the reason that they drive their horse & buggies so slow is to make us drive by the bakeries at a slow pace and have absolutely no self control and turn in for a Cinnamon Roll the size of your head. If sweets aren't your thing, no problem! How about some cheese! Heini's offers a great amount of cheeses and free samples. They say one at a time... however, most everyone I know enjoys a few more than one piece and continues to sample (with clean toothpicks of course!) until they bust. You're still not on board with the sweets and/or cheese? Well - then I don't know what to tell you other than keep driving down the road until you hit the winery and drink until the cows come home! However, I'll warn you from personal experience. DO NOT drink 1 1/2 bottles of Frost Fire by yourself. You'll be sorry... just a friendly warning. Dont' say I don't care about you!

I hope you enjoyed your own personal tour of Columbus! I am not a licensed realtor, but I can assure you that I will do everything in my power to help you call Columbus, "home!" If I can do it, you can do it too!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
The Job Search
As many of you know, I work in the Recruiting world. It is a very interesting job, and it certainly does not hold a dull moment in my day! I know I can speak for all of my co-workers when I say that we run across various interesting (to say the least...) job seekers, and of course situations that all makes us think "what the...?!" There are those job seekers who are hard workers though due to the economy were laid off and are in desperate need for a new job to support their family. Then there are those job seekers who see the "grass greener on the other side" and jump from here, to there, to everywhere! Over the past 3 1/2 yrs of being in recruiting, I've experienced some things that I would like to share, not only as a giggle for your Thursday - but as a lesson to help you in your job search if you are to ever move forward in the search for a new career!
Your Resume
*Spell check is loaded into all document/office programs for a reason. I've seen resumes that had nearly 20 mis-spelled words in the document. When asking the candidate why there were so many errors: "His friend typed it out for him because his two arms were broken." True story. Why did Bill Gates give us spell check? It was to help you succeed in VARIOUS elements of your life!
Sending your resume/application
*Every now and then, our company posts positions to external job boards. These job boards indicate that the interested job seeker should move forward and apply online to the company career page. As luck would have it, we have to post an email address for resumes to come into as well. My posting will indicate something along the lines of: All applicants must apply online to X-Company Career Portal. Please reference job code xxx. It is without a doubt I receive resumes from those who have not paid attention. It's fine - I'll look at them still. However, when you know that you're sending your resume to: rebecca.warren - do not title your cover letter or email to catch my eye as: Dear Sir(s). I'm not only not a man, but I am certainly not two men. Personalize your cover letter to each person for which you are sending to. We notice these things.
If we're interested, we'll call you
*There are so many job seekers out there who are afraid of "being lost in the shuffle." Don't worry - we have very good systems, and it is hard to forget people when we have to watch this system daily. However, if we call you to set up a phone screen/interview - we are interested. If we call and leave you a voicemail, you do not need to call us back 209384290384 times to get it scheduled. If we do not answer on the first try, we are probably on the phone with another candidate or in the bathroom. We have caller ID, and we can see your every call and hang up without leaving a voicemail... we see you! :) Give us time - if we're interested, you will receive a call back!
Meeting face-to-face
*There are obviously things to remember when meeting a hiring manager face-to-face, and it is can be very scary! A few things to remember when going in for your in person interview:
1.) Wear appropriate clothing. Things not to wear are things such as: Hawaiian Shirts, Flip Flops or the wrinkled suit that has been in your Grandpa's trunk for 15 years that hardly fits. You look like a rag-bag, and you will be rejected.
2.) Do not bring your kids to the interview! I wish I could say that this hasn't happened - but, there are people out there who felt the need to bring their children in with them.
3.) Take off your hot-pink Bluetooth: it's an hour, you're applying for an hourly position - I am certain that you are able to take that Bluetooth off for about an hour to meet with what could be your next boss.
Nitty-Gritty details of your new job
*If you are offered this new job, congratulations! You will receive an offer packet that has all of the information that you will need to know to begin your first day! Some of the information may be overwhelming, and it is completely understand about that you may have questions. Be sure to read your packet, and follow ALL instructions. Especially those contents that are bolded or highlighted. If they stand out, they are of importance and require immediate attention. Additionally, once you come on with your first week of the job: make sure you know the difference between who does the following jobs: I/T, Benefits, Payroll or HR Service Center, etc. Your Recruiting Team does not handle any of these elements, no matter how wonderful you think we may be! We wish we could help - but there is a reason I am not in payroll... I cannot figure out my own check, so no way I am going to be able to help with yours!
Just a few tools for thought as I sit on the couch and recover from surgery! Wishing everyone a very Happy 4th of July!
Your Resume
*Spell check is loaded into all document/office programs for a reason. I've seen resumes that had nearly 20 mis-spelled words in the document. When asking the candidate why there were so many errors: "His friend typed it out for him because his two arms were broken." True story. Why did Bill Gates give us spell check? It was to help you succeed in VARIOUS elements of your life!
Sending your resume/application
*Every now and then, our company posts positions to external job boards. These job boards indicate that the interested job seeker should move forward and apply online to the company career page. As luck would have it, we have to post an email address for resumes to come into as well. My posting will indicate something along the lines of: All applicants must apply online to X-Company Career Portal. Please reference job code xxx. It is without a doubt I receive resumes from those who have not paid attention. It's fine - I'll look at them still. However, when you know that you're sending your resume to: rebecca.warren - do not title your cover letter or email to catch my eye as: Dear Sir(s). I'm not only not a man, but I am certainly not two men. Personalize your cover letter to each person for which you are sending to. We notice these things.
If we're interested, we'll call you
*There are so many job seekers out there who are afraid of "being lost in the shuffle." Don't worry - we have very good systems, and it is hard to forget people when we have to watch this system daily. However, if we call you to set up a phone screen/interview - we are interested. If we call and leave you a voicemail, you do not need to call us back 209384290384 times to get it scheduled. If we do not answer on the first try, we are probably on the phone with another candidate or in the bathroom. We have caller ID, and we can see your every call and hang up without leaving a voicemail... we see you! :) Give us time - if we're interested, you will receive a call back!
Meeting face-to-face
*There are obviously things to remember when meeting a hiring manager face-to-face, and it is can be very scary! A few things to remember when going in for your in person interview:
1.) Wear appropriate clothing. Things not to wear are things such as: Hawaiian Shirts, Flip Flops or the wrinkled suit that has been in your Grandpa's trunk for 15 years that hardly fits. You look like a rag-bag, and you will be rejected.
2.) Do not bring your kids to the interview! I wish I could say that this hasn't happened - but, there are people out there who felt the need to bring their children in with them.
3.) Take off your hot-pink Bluetooth: it's an hour, you're applying for an hourly position - I am certain that you are able to take that Bluetooth off for about an hour to meet with what could be your next boss.
Nitty-Gritty details of your new job
*If you are offered this new job, congratulations! You will receive an offer packet that has all of the information that you will need to know to begin your first day! Some of the information may be overwhelming, and it is completely understand about that you may have questions. Be sure to read your packet, and follow ALL instructions. Especially those contents that are bolded or highlighted. If they stand out, they are of importance and require immediate attention. Additionally, once you come on with your first week of the job: make sure you know the difference between who does the following jobs: I/T, Benefits, Payroll or HR Service Center, etc. Your Recruiting Team does not handle any of these elements, no matter how wonderful you think we may be! We wish we could help - but there is a reason I am not in payroll... I cannot figure out my own check, so no way I am going to be able to help with yours!
Just a few tools for thought as I sit on the couch and recover from surgery! Wishing everyone a very Happy 4th of July!
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