For all of my followers out there, you may remember my recent blog about my fear of going to the Dentist. My fear of the Dentist has slowly diminished thankfully to finding a fantastic and friendly Dentist who understands my fear and is super nice... along with every single one of his staff. They make me feel welcome, give me the warm and fuzzies and all around are just wonderful.
A few weeks ago, I experienced my first toothache. It was miserable. Trip #2 to the Dentist to get it checked out and come to find out, I had a wisdom tooth that was infected. Clear sign that they needed to be removed. After being on a double dose of antibiotics, the infection went away and all we well in the world again.
The minute I left his office after being told my tooth was gross, I went to work and called every single Oral Surgeon I could find in Central Ohio in my insurance network. The first surgeon I called was referred by the dentist, but after calling them - they don't accept my insurance. So, the search continued. I called a relatively large practice with a handful of surgeons, only to find out that they couldn't get me in for a consult until March 4th. Being that I had an infected tooth, there was no way I could wait that long. Next phone number! Long story short, I ended up getting a hold of an Oral Surgeon at Riverside Hospital who could get me in on February 22nd for a consult. That was the best date I could find, so I jumped at the chance and took the appointment. Amazingly enough, I have developed a new pain in a new tooth by the time my appointment date comes around, so I couldn't have asked for a perfect day to go.
Of course, I made my Mom go with me to the consult since I'm still slowly getting over my fear... she didn't even bat an eye when I asked her to go. I love her!
Walking into the Hospital, I was pretty calm. It's just a consult. Nothing to be scared of, right?
They called me back.
Tell me to jump up in the scary chair with the scary light and the ask me a few questions.
The Oral Surgeon comes in, takes a look at my xrays and my teeth and says: "Yep! Your other tooth is infected now, that would explain the new pain. Time to get them pulled!"
Although I knew this was the reason that I was going in, it made me break out into a cold sweat. Figuring they would be booked for weeks, and that I would have to wait... the nurse informs me that they had a cancellation for this coming Friday and asked if I wanted it.
Okay, this is all happening very fast and I am not sure how I can handle going in so quick! But, my Mom looks at me and I know what she is thinking... it needs to be done, it needs to be done now and I need to take the Friday morning appointment. I agree, take the appointment and prepare myself for what is to happen in just 3 days.
Thursday night, I ate a good dinner since I knew it would be one of my lasts for a few days. I couldn't eat a big meal past 7pm, and only a light snack and water up until midnight. My appointment for my surgery is at 11:30am, so it's going to be a long morning of starvation. I planned on sleeping in as long as I could just to forget about the fact that I wouldn't be able to have any diet coke that following morning, or breakfast!
The very early morning of my surgery, Columbus has a snow and ice storm. Of course! My Dad offered to take the morning off of work and drive me to my appointment, and then drop my Mom and I back off at my place when everything was done with. It worked out well, but I owe him a huge thanks for that and sacrificing his time off work for me.
I was called back, hooked up to some blood pressure machines, was told to squeeze a stress ball while they gave me a shot in the arm............................
z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z
"Rebecca, bite down on the gauze. Can you bite down?"
Thus begin my miserable recovery to my 4 wisdom teeth being pulled.
Friday afternoon, was decent. I was drowsy. I drank a lot of water. I wanted to keep myself completely hydrated. I changed my gauze every 30 minutes as directed. I iced my face every 30 minutes as directed.
Until 5:00pm.
Still in my drug induced fog, I didn't feel good. At all. This from a girl who hates anything to do with the stomach flu, I will fight tooth and nail not to throw up. Especially right now with a mouth full of gauze, and pain shooting in my face. I was SHOCKED that I was having that reaction to anesthesia, because I certainly didn't with my prior endoscopy or gal bladder surgery.
Long story short: I could not eat or drink anything without seeing it again until late Saturday night. I ate my first "meal" (aka: 1/4 cup fat free ice cream) for breakfast on Sunday morning. This also means that I went 2 full days with no diet coke or food AT ALL! Water and Gatorade were the only two things that were consumed until Sunday morning. As of right now, I'm eating very small amounts, just to ensure that I'm still on the up and up. The good news is that I have weened myself off of the Vicodin as of yesterday afternoon, and have only been using Advil. No prescription drug addicts here!
Now, I'm a positive person and I can find the benefit in this MISERABLE experience. How you ask? Well, my jeans today feel looser and weigh-in at Weight Watchers on Tuesday evening should be FABULOUS! See, I can always see the positive in a bad situation! :)
There is no way I could have gotten through this without my family. My Dad taking the morning off to drive me to my surgery in the snow and ice. My sister who graciously stayed home with me on Friday evening, while my parents went back home to Delaware and who bought me two of my favorite movies ever on dvd to keep me occupied. Finally, my dear Mom who even though I am 30 yrs old, she stayed two full days with me, held my bloody gauze, rubbed my back as I threw up, and cleaned my bathroom and bedroom top to bottom while she was nursing me back to health. I love my family with all of my heart, and cannot thank them enough for everything they have done for me the past 3 days. xoxoxox
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Special Projects for Mindy Bell & All Women

As many people can figure out from reading my last blog, I have a wonderful friend who has been recently diagnosed with breast cancer. She is a trooper, and in no way is letting her diagnosis get her down. Her attitude is phenomenal and it is all of her positive energy that will carry her through her journey.
Since I learned of her diagnosis, I have tried to brainstorm everything in my power to show her all the support I can provide.
- On Valentine's Day, she underwent surgery and had a double mastectomy. Since I am not a fan of Valentine's Day anyways, I have now renamed February 14th every year, Mindy Bell day. It's something small, but something very real!
- Secondly, a group of friends rallied around Mindy and her family to provide them with meals and restaurant gift cards for when she is feeling under the weather, the would not have to cook or worry about meals. On the flip side, the fast food gift cards were provided to help with their busy schedule as their young girls are always on the run- headed to dance class/competitions, Girl Scouts, soccer, etc. It is amazing to me how many people came through for her and her family. Just from my little group alone, we provided the Bell Family with 5 frozen dishes, 3 dozen cookies, and over $300 worth of gift cards. Including a gift card to Whole Foods since soon she will under go chemo and will have to eat all organic during the process.
- Along with the help of others, we have started a team to support Mindy through the Columbus Race for the Cure in May 2011."Bell's Boobs" has started to form and is starting to collect donations to go towards the Komen Foundation for Breast Cancer Research. Anyone who will be around on May 14th and would like to participate, please let me know! We will be designing our very own t-shirts and be decked out in nothing but pink!
- On the day Mindy was released from the hospital, she came home to a neighborhood of pink bows on mailboxes to show the community support for her. I thought to myself, I don't have a mailbox (since I have a community mail area), and how could I show Mindy my support for her throughout the year. That said, I made a wreath to show my support and awareness for women battling or who have battled this condition. I was so incredibly impressed on how the wreath turned out! After shopping long and hard for the best ribbon, flowers and charms - it was complete! I will be making one for Mindy here soon that she can hang on her door, and have several inquiries from others to buy them from me. This has been a huge hit, and I'm thrilled that I could find something that everyone would like to show their love and support for Mindy and all other women!

I love you Mindy Bell, and I am here to support you, Todd, Alyssa & Audra through your journey 10000%! Keep your head up, and know that this will only be something in the past this time next year. I have faith that your positive attitude will carry you, and all of us are praying for you daily! xoxox

Saturday, February 19, 2011
Wishful Thinking...
The other day at work, I was involved in a team activity where they handed out M & Ms. With every M & M, there was a different "task" behind it. Things such as: Tell a story involving your career with Cardinal Health. Where would your dream vacation be and why? Tell a funny story involving yourself. What is something you are proud of? If you were to win the lottery, what would you do? Everyone picked one color of their M & Ms, and we went around the table in picking our one color and telling our one tidbit. I chose to tell the way I came to join CAH, and an early story about my first week there. Others answered with dream vacations, proud moments, etc. I learned so much about my co-workers who joined me that day, and it got me thinking - how would I answer these questions if given the opportunity to answer them all?
I love traveling and history.
I love Pizza Hut (still!)
I love my parents for being a major support system through my educational path.
I love babies.
Most importantly: I love Mindy Bell!
- Where would Becca's Dream Vacation be? It would be in Europe. It would be visiting the countries of Austria, Switzerland, Italy, France, United Kingdom, Scotland, Ireland and Sweden. Don't get me wrong, I love beaches. I love sunny and warm days. But, there is so much history and fascination with these countries and the history dork that I am, it would be my dream vacation.
- A funny story about Becca: When I was growing up in a small town nearby Seattle, my career ambitions were to work at Pizza Hut as a Cashier. That's correct my friends, cashier at our local Pizza Hut. I wanted to push the buttons, that to me looked like the most fabulous job in the world! I'm happy to say that at the age of 30, my career goals outreach a Pizza Hut cashier by a long shot!
- What is a proud moment in Becca's life? Such an easy question. Most people may think that this is complex, but for me it takes no thinking on my part at all to think of how I would answer this question. Hands down, my proudest moment would be graduating from Ohio State with a degree in Humanities. In elementary school, I was a good student up until 6th grade... it went all down hill from there! A part of me blames just the middle school years in general, but from 6th grade on through college - were some of the toughest years of my life. My parents always knew that I would graduate, and they pushed me every step of the way. Many nights I would spend crying wondering how I was going to get through a class, but with my parents support - I made it. It took me longer than the typical 4 years, but it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter how old you are. It doesn't matter what your GPA was on your last quarter. All that matters is that I graduated and I have my parents to thank!
- If I were to win the lottery, what would I do? Asking me about a month ago, my answer would be very different. However, over the past month I have come to realization that I know exactly what I would do with lottery winnings. First off, I would yes - quit my job. I may give my employer a notice, depending on the winnings! Then again, I may not. We'll see what kind of mood I am. :) I would have a life where I was free to do anything I want. I would obviously spend a lot of time shopping for anything that I wanted. Let's be honest, shoes and purses are very important! But, to pass the time I would need something more to do than just shop. My ideal dream "job" would be to volunteer/work at local hospitals and do nothing but hold newborn babies all day long. I could literally sit and hold a newborn all day long, and that would be the perfect environment for me! With my earnings, I would donate to Breast Cancer Research. About 3 weeks ago, I learned that one of my best friends has breast cancer. Since learning of her diagnosis, I have been researching, signing up for various cancer fundraisers and most importantly, helping her in anyway I can to help with her journey. She is one of the strongest and most determined people I know, and I admire her in so many ways. At no point did she ever sit there and say "why me?" Instead, she turned that attitude on and said from moment one that she would beat this thing however she had to. Whether it be chemo, radiation and surgery - she will do every one of those things. That said, my lotto earnings would go towards something in honor of Mindy Bell and towards breast cancer research.
I love traveling and history.
I love Pizza Hut (still!)
I love my parents for being a major support system through my educational path.
I love babies.
Most importantly: I love Mindy Bell!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Spotted! In Delaware, Ohio!
As many of you have gathered through my blogs and my Facebook, I've become a complete fan (alright...fine, I'm an addict!) to a drink called Cascade Ice. Cascade Ice is something that I located in Seattle while visiting the family over Christmas and New Years. While I was there, I drank a bottle (if not two) everyday. With my addiction to Diet Coke, it's a huge deal that I would willingly pass up a Diet Coke for a bubbling water.... however, I will say that Cascade Ice has helped with my New Years Resolution and keeping up with it! It's February 13th, and I am still going strong on kicking up my water intake. I won't lie, I'm pretty proud of myself! I'm usually done with my resolutions by January 15th!
Since coming back to Columbus, I've been on the never ending search for the product being sold in my area.
*The 2 Calorie Sparkling Water is suppose to be sold at Marc's, but my only two locations near by never seem to carry it. I always leave the store after randomly stopping by to check depressed and sad. I leave the store remembering how great it is that I can order with free shipping online directly, and arrive at my front door. However, the only down fall for this is that when the horrid Ohio weather kicks in with the negative degree weather, and I come home to find a few bottles froze and exploded. This just confirms that I dislike Mother Nature and her temper during the winter. Not only is she messing with my commute to work, now she is sacrificing my Cascade Ice. Not cool! Wouldn't you know that the ones that exploded were my favorite flavor... Blueberry Watermelon! Not only did it explode, they exploded all over me in my work clothes! I was more upset about losing a bottle or two rather than it exploding all of my clothes. :)
*The Organic Sparkling Water... I've again been on the hunt for this one. According to the company website, it is sold at Kroger. I've been to EVERY Kroger in my area and haven't located it yet. I'm absolutely not against getting online at and printing off a sheet with every single Kroger in the Greater Columbus Area to locate it, although I'd love to conserve on gas as much as I possibly can. :)
I have put out an urgent request to all of my Columbus based friends who walk into Kroger to keep their eye balls open!
Then it happened...
I receive a text that Cascade Ice Organic Sparkling Water WAS SPOTTED!

Not only was it spotted only 30 minutes from my front door, it was spotted in the town I lived for 10 years! The only Kroger that I didn't think to check was down the street from my parents... and it has been there the entire time! This will teach me to forget about the obvious places!
To anyone who has come to my house since my first shipment of Cascade Ice came in, I've offered to share a bottle with them so they too can become addicted to it. Courtney, my darling BFF who located the Sparkling Water at the Delaware Kroger, picked up a bottle to see what all of my madness was about and agreed that she can see why I love it so much!
Here's the problem: I cannot get to Kroger in Delaware until atleast next Saturday! As much as I love it, I have to keep my hair appointment for tomorrow or people may start pointing and laughing at me in the hall. Thankfully, I have a few bottles to keep me going up until then... my fingers are crossed they don't run out of it by the time I speed my way down highway 23 on Saturday!
Since coming back to Columbus, I've been on the never ending search for the product being sold in my area.
*The 2 Calorie Sparkling Water is suppose to be sold at Marc's, but my only two locations near by never seem to carry it. I always leave the store after randomly stopping by to check depressed and sad. I leave the store remembering how great it is that I can order with free shipping online directly, and arrive at my front door. However, the only down fall for this is that when the horrid Ohio weather kicks in with the negative degree weather, and I come home to find a few bottles froze and exploded. This just confirms that I dislike Mother Nature and her temper during the winter. Not only is she messing with my commute to work, now she is sacrificing my Cascade Ice. Not cool! Wouldn't you know that the ones that exploded were my favorite flavor... Blueberry Watermelon! Not only did it explode, they exploded all over me in my work clothes! I was more upset about losing a bottle or two rather than it exploding all of my clothes. :)
*The Organic Sparkling Water... I've again been on the hunt for this one. According to the company website, it is sold at Kroger. I've been to EVERY Kroger in my area and haven't located it yet. I'm absolutely not against getting online at and printing off a sheet with every single Kroger in the Greater Columbus Area to locate it, although I'd love to conserve on gas as much as I possibly can. :)
I have put out an urgent request to all of my Columbus based friends who walk into Kroger to keep their eye balls open!
Then it happened...
I receive a text that Cascade Ice Organic Sparkling Water WAS SPOTTED!

Not only was it spotted only 30 minutes from my front door, it was spotted in the town I lived for 10 years! The only Kroger that I didn't think to check was down the street from my parents... and it has been there the entire time! This will teach me to forget about the obvious places!
To anyone who has come to my house since my first shipment of Cascade Ice came in, I've offered to share a bottle with them so they too can become addicted to it. Courtney, my darling BFF who located the Sparkling Water at the Delaware Kroger, picked up a bottle to see what all of my madness was about and agreed that she can see why I love it so much!
Here's the problem: I cannot get to Kroger in Delaware until atleast next Saturday! As much as I love it, I have to keep my hair appointment for tomorrow or people may start pointing and laughing at me in the hall. Thankfully, I have a few bottles to keep me going up until then... my fingers are crossed they don't run out of it by the time I speed my way down highway 23 on Saturday!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Fire, Champagne & Raspberries
This story starts off with my love for cupcakes and baking. There are so many shows on tv that I cannot help but get sucked into about cupcakes and baking in general. The Cake Boss, DC Cupcakes, Ultimate Cake Off and... Cupcake Wars.
There is not a week that I miss Cupcake Wars. The show quite frankly amazes me. How can bakers be handed cheetos, licorice, and pickles and make a gourmet cupcake in 30 minutes?! The things that those bakers do makes my jaw drop every week.
Our department at work has turned into something of a competitive group with lots of competitive activities. We've had mini-golf challenges and a handful of bake-offs. The bake-offs typically fall around a Holiday. Since I've been named co-leader of the Talent Acquisition Activities Group, I figured I should probably participate and bake for today's Valentine's Day bake-off. This begins my search for a good dessert recipe to make for the bake-off.
Wednesday night, I attempted to make a brownie that Courtney had made as favors for my Birthday Party. They failed miserably. I watched them baking in the oven, and they just didn't look right. They crystalized on top, but yet were mushy on the bottom. With this baking failure, I opted to try a different recipe Thursday night.
My darling sister went straight to the Food Networks website and found the recipe for one of the cupcakes that was recently made on Cupcake Wars!
Raspberry Cupcakes with Champagne Frosting... Mmmmmm! I mean these cupcakes were adorable, and I'll be lucky to create something that is half this cute!
Come Thursday night, Kate and I set off on a mission to create these cupcakes. I won't lie, I was super nervous... I mean, these are professional bakers making cupcakes in 30 minutes. I'm only keeping my fingers crossed that WE can get these made in 30 minutes, too!
We head to the kitchen, and start with the preparation of baking. We start by doing what any person would do - by preheating the oven. 325 degrees.
I head to the pantry, get out the flour, sugar, and some other things we need. All of a sudden, I hear Kate, "FIRE! FIRE!"
I look in the oven and there are some flames coming up from the bottom of the oven.
Well, this is new! I've never had this happen before! What do you do when a fire busts out in your oven? Because to be honest, I haven't a clue! Thankfully, our quick thinking was able to get the small flame out with no damage or sign of anything happening.
At this point, I say - FORGET IT! I'm not making anything. I'm done. The first dessert failed, and now my oven needs cleaned (which I had JUST cleaned a few weeks ago...) from the massive amount of baking soda hanging out at the bottom of the oven. I just don't feel like moving forward in the baking. Kate convinces me otherwise, and says we needed to continue on...
Alright, alright... let's do this!
We clean the oven.
We puree raspberries.
We sift flour.
We mix the cupcake batter.
We start to preheat the oven AGAIN, with our fingers crossed that no flames pop up again.
We put the batter in the cupcake liners.
We say a little prayer, and throw them into the oven.
20 minutes later:

We pull out some grayish looking muffin looking cupcakes? Hmmm... I am not so sure about this! We let them cool, and give them a taste. They aren't too bad! Pretty good as a matter of fact, just an odd color!
The cupcakes are removed to cool.
Now, onto the frosting.
Frosting attempt #1: It's lumpy. It's weird. It's separating. It's just not right. Down the garbage disposal it goes!
Frosting attempt #2: We mix the butter like CRAZY to avoid lumps. We add the powdered sugar... slowly. Looking good! Tasting good! We say another little prayer and... we add some champagne... We were impressed by the taste testing that this frosting turned out pretty well!
We add some food coloring to make them a little festive.
We add a raspberry to the top.

We add a Dove chocolate to the top.
We add some clear crystal sugared sprinkles.
We stand back and take a look...
Sadly, my cupcakes didn't win the bake-off today. However, all 19 cupcakes that I took to work were gobbled up and were raved about! Even though I didn't win, I'm happy to say we had a great turn out in participation and I'm thrilled with the way everything turned out.
However, watch out newbie bakers of Talent Acquisition: I'll be back for the next bake-off and 1st place will be mine ... once again! :)
There is not a week that I miss Cupcake Wars. The show quite frankly amazes me. How can bakers be handed cheetos, licorice, and pickles and make a gourmet cupcake in 30 minutes?! The things that those bakers do makes my jaw drop every week.
Our department at work has turned into something of a competitive group with lots of competitive activities. We've had mini-golf challenges and a handful of bake-offs. The bake-offs typically fall around a Holiday. Since I've been named co-leader of the Talent Acquisition Activities Group, I figured I should probably participate and bake for today's Valentine's Day bake-off. This begins my search for a good dessert recipe to make for the bake-off.
Wednesday night, I attempted to make a brownie that Courtney had made as favors for my Birthday Party. They failed miserably. I watched them baking in the oven, and they just didn't look right. They crystalized on top, but yet were mushy on the bottom. With this baking failure, I opted to try a different recipe Thursday night.
My darling sister went straight to the Food Networks website and found the recipe for one of the cupcakes that was recently made on Cupcake Wars!
Raspberry Cupcakes with Champagne Frosting... Mmmmmm! I mean these cupcakes were adorable, and I'll be lucky to create something that is half this cute!

We head to the kitchen, and start with the preparation of baking. We start by doing what any person would do - by preheating the oven. 325 degrees.
I head to the pantry, get out the flour, sugar, and some other things we need. All of a sudden, I hear Kate, "FIRE! FIRE!"
I look in the oven and there are some flames coming up from the bottom of the oven.
Well, this is new! I've never had this happen before! What do you do when a fire busts out in your oven? Because to be honest, I haven't a clue! Thankfully, our quick thinking was able to get the small flame out with no damage or sign of anything happening.
At this point, I say - FORGET IT! I'm not making anything. I'm done. The first dessert failed, and now my oven needs cleaned (which I had JUST cleaned a few weeks ago...) from the massive amount of baking soda hanging out at the bottom of the oven. I just don't feel like moving forward in the baking. Kate convinces me otherwise, and says we needed to continue on...
Alright, alright... let's do this!
We clean the oven.
We puree raspberries.
We sift flour.
We mix the cupcake batter.
We start to preheat the oven AGAIN, with our fingers crossed that no flames pop up again.
We put the batter in the cupcake liners.
We say a little prayer, and throw them into the oven.
20 minutes later:

We pull out some grayish looking muffin looking cupcakes? Hmmm... I am not so sure about this! We let them cool, and give them a taste. They aren't too bad! Pretty good as a matter of fact, just an odd color!
The cupcakes are removed to cool.
Now, onto the frosting.
Frosting attempt #1: It's lumpy. It's weird. It's separating. It's just not right. Down the garbage disposal it goes!
Frosting attempt #2: We mix the butter like CRAZY to avoid lumps. We add the powdered sugar... slowly. Looking good! Tasting good! We say another little prayer and... we add some champagne... We were impressed by the taste testing that this frosting turned out pretty well!
We add some food coloring to make them a little festive.
We add a raspberry to the top.

We add a Dove chocolate to the top.
We add some clear crystal sugared sprinkles.
We stand back and take a look...

However, watch out newbie bakers of Talent Acquisition: I'll be back for the next bake-off and 1st place will be mine ... once again! :)
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Becca Goes to the Dentist

Anyone who knows me that some of my greatest fears in life are the following:
- Tornadoes
- Roller Coasters
I know it's silly, but it's true. It's the noises. The sucking. The poking. The bleeding. The spitting. And everything else that goes along with the appointment. Now, I take good care of my teeth. I have always had very healthy teeth, so one would think that this phobia wouldn't even be a factor in my life. But, as luck would have it - the thought of laying in that chair with the screaming lights in my eyes scares the heck out of me.
After 4 yrs (INSERT HERE: "What the hell, Becca?!), I finally went back to the dentist. I drove around the block a few times since I was early, and then sat in my car for the remaining time until I had to walk in. I probably could have waited another year or two to make the appointment, but my more frequent headaches were an indication that the wisdom teeth are probably ready to be removed. (Who gave us wisdom teeth anyways?! It's like a gallbladder, useless. Ugh.)
Breaking a sweat in the 10 degree weather walking in the door, I made the first step to the front desk and announce I was there. My Mom & Sister have been going to this dentist, and have had recent appointments - so they knew that Big Baby Becca was going to need some special attention and patience. They even had a chair in the corner for my Mom in case I was serious about having her go with me. Ha. Thankfully, I was a big girl and went independently.
A nice woman named Becky was the hygienist. She was very nice and just kept on talking... and talking... and talking... I am not sure if she is a talker (must be a characteristic of the name!), or she just kept talking to keep me from thinking of the poking and scraping going around in my mouth. Following her part, Dr. Chitkara came in...
Dr. Chitkara said that it could probably be time to get the wisdom teeth ripped out, and that I needed to two fillings. Darn it! They weren't cavities, but they could tolerate to be filled to be on the safe side. Since I've not had a tooth ache a day in my life, I figured it would be easier to just get the filling now and not risk any type of tooth pain to follow. However, my teeth looked great and there were no major concerns. (Pretty good for my not flossing, and not being at the dentist for a few years if you ask me!)
A few days later, I was back in that dreaded chair getting my fillings. It's a good thing that office of people are nice... because I had no problem going back and the fear was slowly disappearing. Besides, the numbness of my mouth and lips were quite comical. Especially when I wanted to put on some lip gloss...
Fast forward: Friday, February 4th.
This is the day that I, Rebecca C. Warren, GETS MY FIRST TOOTH ACHE!
Seriously?!?! I was JUST at the dentist two weeks ago and now I cannot tolerate the pain in the back of my mouth. Of course, the pain hits me at 8pm on a Friday, so I am pretty much out of luck for any type of dentist visit unless I go to an emergency dental clinic. Being that I am still new to attempting to get rid of my fear, I decide to hold out until Monday. Saturday, miserable. Sunday, miserable. Took Advil, Tylenol and any other type of pain pill I could find in my house to take care of the pain. Sunday night, Heidi was in town and we went shopping. Yah, the tooth bothered me to eat dinner, but I wouldn't miss spending time with her shopping for a dumb tooth. Shopping is far more important!
Monday morning: I call Dr. Chitkara's office and beg for an afternoon appointment with him. I explain everything (without even saying who I was yet) and the receptionist goes "Is this Rebecca?" Uhhhh, yes - yes it is! The big baby! They were so kind to squeeze me into the afternoon. I tell my Mom she has to go with me because lord only knows what they are going to do to me in that chair THIS time! God love my Mother. She goes with me without batting an eye. She's the best!
I hop into that dumb chair AGAIN, and he looks around to find that my tooth is infected. Seriously. I've brushed more, mouthwashed more, and flossed more over those two weeks that I've EVER done in my LIFE! How in the world can this tooth be infected when I am ACTUALLY FLOSSING!! It's just a big sign that those teeth need yanked, and soon. He numbed me up which lasted a few hours... it was nice to have the break from pain for about 3 hrs. Flushed out my tooth and threw me onto another antibiotic. I was already on some meds for my sinus infection - so I'm doubling the pills at this point. The infection has to go away with double duty meds...
Monday night: pain.
Tuesday day: pain and call every Oral Surgeon in Columbus to see who can get me in for a consult ASAP. No one can see me to mid-March. Ugh. I finally found a guy at Riverside Hospital who could get me in on February 22nd. I took the appointment. I think that the receptionist felt bad at my sad story of my infected tooth. (She probably thinks I am dirty... I swear, I'm not!)
Tuesday night: pain and I resort to Advil PM to help me sleep through the pain.
Wednesday morning: I WOKE UP WITH NO PAIN! Yay! I went all through Wednesday with just minor pains and only took two doses of Advil. Big step!
I am thrilled that my tooth infection waited to occur until after my 1st two trips to the dentist or my Mom would have had to pull me into Dr. Chitkara's office by my ankles to get me into that chair. Knowing that my teeth are healthy (despite the wisdom teeth ordeal), and that everyone in that office is sooo nice... I may actually... dare I say it... BE OVER MY FEAR OF THE DENTIST!!!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Floating into a New Years Resolution...
January, the dreaded month of Resolutions! Where many people look forward to January and to see what is going to come up in the upcoming year, other dread the commitments that we promise ourselves to do.
This year, my Resolutions are simple. Well, they are easier than what I have established for myself in the past - so I think that this year I can hang tight with my promises to myself and keep them going.
Becca's two resolutions are:
The first stop of my quest for the best water began while in Seattle over Christmas. I was walking through the store and found a drink that I thought I would give a try. It's a Sparking Water with juice for only 2 calories. I bought a few flavors, and decided to give them a whirl. Cascade Ice, ohhh myyy! It has the sparkle. It has flavor, lots-o-flavors, and only has 2 calories! I loaded up on all of the flavors during my trip, but found Watermelon Blueberry to be one of my absolute favorites!
My dilemma: they don't sell it in Columbus! Don't fret, I have found that they have an online store and I get get packs of 12 delivered to my house with free shipping ALWAYS! This week, I should be expecting a box of 24 bottles delivered to my front step. Everyday, I speed home and hope that today is the day it arrived... I'm still waiting...
The next type of water that I've bought is called, Twist. I actually came across this one (and the next one) on my quest to find Cascade Ice in Columbus (every time I walk into a grocery store, I just to see if they have it.... just in case!). Now, Twist comes in fewer different flavors but I have to say of the ones that I tried, Wild Strawberry is my favorite. The only down side to this water (which has nectar in it), it has a few more calories. 9 calories per serving. However, it is still a better option than some other things I can chose to drink!
Lastly, this water came to me by a fluke. While my sister and I were floating around Seattle a day by ourselves, we stopped at a local Starbucks on Lake Washington to go to the bathroom. Because we didn't want to look cheap, we each decided to buy something while we were there. I was beginning my quest to enjoy water, I found a water called Hint. Hint has a few more flavors than Twist does, but I haven't tried all of them just yet. I picked up 6 different flavors at Whole Foods yesterday, and am very anxious to try them all! They will be packed in my lunchbox through the work week and I will have a new flavor to try everyday this week. I will say, the Blackberry is fantastic! It has a "hint" of flavor to it, is not overwhelming and doesn't taste like watered down Kool-Aid. It is more water than anything, and is very refreshing!
This year, my Resolutions are simple. Well, they are easier than what I have established for myself in the past - so I think that this year I can hang tight with my promises to myself and keep them going.
Becca's two resolutions are:
- Read more books, seriously. I am the queen of the "boob tube," and could literally sit and watch tv all day long and ever get tired of it. I broke my Mom's heart by not becoming a "reader." My Mom is the type of person who can read 5 books at any given time, and remember every single word she read. Because of this, my Mom is literally like the smartest person I know. She knows EVERYTHING! Therefore, I have atleast 2 1/2 books right now with my name on them that I hope to turn off the reality TV for a few minutes read sooner than later!
- Drink more WATER! Anyone who knows me, knows I am an addict of Diet Coke. Is it good for me? Heck no. Is it wonderful and does it get me through the day? Heck yes! I am not a coffee drinker. I am not a tea drinker. I am a Diet Coke-aholic. It's okay, I can admit it!
The first stop of my quest for the best water began while in Seattle over Christmas. I was walking through the store and found a drink that I thought I would give a try. It's a Sparking Water with juice for only 2 calories. I bought a few flavors, and decided to give them a whirl. Cascade Ice, ohhh myyy! It has the sparkle. It has flavor, lots-o-flavors, and only has 2 calories! I loaded up on all of the flavors during my trip, but found Watermelon Blueberry to be one of my absolute favorites!
My dilemma: they don't sell it in Columbus! Don't fret, I have found that they have an online store and I get get packs of 12 delivered to my house with free shipping ALWAYS! This week, I should be expecting a box of 24 bottles delivered to my front step. Everyday, I speed home and hope that today is the day it arrived... I'm still waiting...

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